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What We've Been Up To This Summer

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cleaning Supply Organization
Hi! Super nerd here. I get so excited about lame stuff like organization. We used to keep all of our cleaning supplies under the sink, but I really didn't love that system. Things would get pushed to the back, aka lost in the abyss. One day I got the idea to add a organizer to the inside of our armoire in the dining room.

Blake actually custom built this armoire for us years ago! Our house has zero storage for things like the ironing board, vacuum, broom, etc. He built this gorgeous piece of furniture for all of our ugly things. (You can see it here in my Dining Room Home Tour Post

This improvement not only made my supplies look much neater, but it also freed up under the sink. Now, I store our dish drying rack off the counter and under the sink. It made our tiny kitchen look so much more roomy! 

I also purchased these command hook organizers for the doors of the under sink cabinet. They are perfect for holding sponges and brushes!

My Brother's Wedding
Last month we celebrated my little brother's wedding! Lily made a beautiful bride and my brother was so happy! I had to show off the sign I made for the ceremony:

Nephew Photoshoot
My sister needed a little time to get some things done, so I came over to entertain the boys for a bit. I brought my camera over with me, and got a couple of really cute shots. (Ok, I took a lot of pictures, but here are my favorites!)

Recent Cricut Projects

This probably needed it's own post, but I know there will be plenty of projects to share in the future-so I need to space out sharing them, haha.

First up is a work out shirt that was commissioned from my mom to give to someone else. We both thought it turned out hysterical! 

My first stencil project! You can cut a stencil with your machine, which means the possibilities are endless! I've tried adhering vinyl directly to wood and it is not my favorite look. Using a stencil makes it look so much better! I definitely messed up the first attempt, and I still have some perfecting to do. But, I'm really excited about this! 

By far my favorite thing about my Cricut is that I can whip up gifts in no time! I was able to make 15 mugs full of candy for less than 30 bucks! I'm always searching the dollar store, or walmart for really inexpensive blank items that I can customize.

Speaking of gifts, I also whipped up a little gift tag to attach to my handmade items. Packaging is everything right? Some of the items require a little special care because of the materials-so I thought this would be an easy way to let the person know without having to explain it everytime. 

Super in love with the garden flag I made for our front yard:

HONU vitamins 
Grove Collaborative sent me these vitamins to review, and I'm so glad they did-because I am definitely going to purchase them myself. I took this picture as a joke because I have this terrible fear of cotton balls. Blake wasn't home when I opened these so I had to use tongs to get it out. (It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about this!) 

Anyway, I'm SUPER happy with their probiotic and biotin. My hair has been growing like crazy! I also really like the Vitamin D, which is supposed to have the same benefits of being in the sun. I would really like to take this during the winter to see if the effects are more pronounced. 

I am excited to try the multivitamin next! 

Our North Carolina Trip
I realized I never shared any pictures from our trip to North Carolina! We went for a long weekend to visit Blake's parents with his sister and her kids. It was so relaxing and fun! Their neighborhood pool opened for the summer the weekend we were there, so that is where I spent most of my time. 

This was the first time I tried Zinc sunscreen. I used this one from Babo - it's 100% non toxic and reef safe. However it does make you white as a sheet, so I'm still hunting for a different one. I will come back to this brand if I can't find something I like better. 

We looked through tons of pictures, which is one of my favorite things to do! This is newborn Blake...I don't get baby fever very often, but it was kinda crazy to look at this picture and picture my own future baby.  

Gia is amazing at UNO! We have so much fun playing with her, but you gotta watch her because she will cheat! (Girl after my own heart, because I was the exact same way. Who wants to lose?!) 

My father in law designed the most spectacular courtyard! It's so lush and and inviting. He designed a whole watering system that you can't even see. Super impressive. Many glasses of white wine were enjoyed out there. 

Admittedly we were a bit nervous about taking a road trip with the kids. I get antsy in the car, so I can't blame them for it either. I hit up Target dollar spot and the dollar store and made them both little activity bags. My sister in law said they start to get cranky around hour 5, so we waited until then to give it to them. Worked perfectly! 

Getting Ready for the Netherlands!
This the current state of our guest room. Our trip is fast approaching! Last week there was a strange internet and phone outage in our area, so it forced me to do some things around the house. I started getting my outfits picked out and bought our mini toiletries. Still quite a bit to do, I'm glad I finally got started. 

Happy Monday! Leave a comment below and tell me what's going on in your life!

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner