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Thursday Three | 9-17-20

Thursday, September 17, 2020

One | A Week Away
I cannot begin to express how much we needed a getaway! We, like most people, are not used to staying put. We normally have several trips planned throughout a year, and we are very grateful we got to take one last big trip before the world turned upside down. The last 6 months have taken it's toll though! We have loved being at home, but there are still stressors at home.  

We were able to spend a week at the beach, and it was glorious! I was able to disconnect from my phone in a way I haven't been able to do...ever I think. My Etsy shop was closed, we didn't have was amazing! I also didn't have any blog posts prescheduled, which at first made me feel a bit guilty, but honestly it was nice not to worry about it. 

Two | Yummy Recipes
After coming back home I wanted to get back in gear with our eating habits. We cooked at the beach, but there was a lot of beer too, haha. I got a few recommendations from friends for Instapot recipes, and there were so good I thought I'd share! 

First, is a yummy shrimp boil
We were in a seafood mood after the beach, so we were so excited for this recipe! The recipe calls for sausage and I neglected to get some at the store, so we skipped it, but I would like to add it in next time!

Next up was this amazing Beef Stroganoff! My mom used to make this a lot growing up, but I never have because Blake is not a fan of mushrooms. He insists that he will just pick them out, but I just don't feel like doing a lot of work in the kitchen for him to not love the meal, ya know? My cousin Anna told me about this recipe and it sounded so good, I decided to go for it. It's fab. And I just sliced the mushrooms bigger so they'd be easy for him to pick out and give to me. 😀

And third, is a one pot spaghetti! Sometimes you just need a warm bowl of pasta, right? This delivers a delicious meat sauce, and I love that the noodles go right into the pot without boiling first. It's just the two of us, so this made lots of leftovers. I used to hate leftovers, now I get excited because it's like free food. 

Have I talked about Instapots here before? If not, let me start by saying I was not first in line to get one. If I'm being honest most meals that I saw on Pinterest for Instapots were not appetizing. They all looked over cooked and too cheesy. I had not planned on purchasing one! We ended up with one after our crockpot of 10 years busted. I even tried to use it cracked, haha. I went up to Walmart to purchase a new Crockpot and they didn't have any. Well they had one, but it was the teeny one for dorm rooms. But, they did have a ton of pressure cookers. So I ended up spending the same amount on a CrockPot brand Pressure Cooker. 

I'm still getting the hang of it because there are soooo many features. I am a fan of the saute feature! We've tried several pressure cooker recipes and enjoyed what we've made so far. That's why I've been asking for recommendations! I want to know what's actually good and not gross and overcooked. 

Three | The Home Edit
Ah, organization. Totally my jam! I binge watched The Home Edit's series on Netflix at the beach. (We cancelled Netflix, so it was fun to see what was new!) I have mixed feelings about the show, but it's undeniably inspiring! 

The spaces the ladies organized turned out beautifully, almost like artwork. That's kind of the issue I have with their style- it's absolutely beautiful but I really don't feel like it's practical or attainable. In fact...I stalked one of the celebs they organized for on Instagram, and there is a recent photo including her pantry that was completely back to messy. A realistic normal messy. I'm just saying if a celebrity who probably has a housekeeper can't keep it up, how are we supposed to?

Inspiring none the less! And I'm a huge fan of acrylic bins and rainbow pens so it was definitely pleasing to my eyes! 

If you watched too, and have been in the mood to organize, you'll have to read my past post about decluttering! There I include some of my very favorite principles to practice as you are getting rid of stuff and organizing your space.

Alrighty that's it from me today! Your turn! Leave a comment below and tell me what you've been up to. Have you been able to take a mini vacation or staycation? If you have a great pressure cooker recipe, make sure you leave a link for me! I'd love to here what you think about The Home Edit show and if you think their level is attainable?!


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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner