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May Grove Collaborative Order

Monday, May 18, 2020

Because I'm really nosey, and I love to see what other people are buying-I thought maybe you guys are curious too. Grove Collaborative is something I talk about on the blog all the time, so you are probably already familiar with the company. In a nutshell, it's an online store for clean beauty and home items. It can be set up like a subscription and you can get all your favorites sent automatically. 

If you are a new to Grove you can get a free cleaning gift set with my link. (And don't forget to use Rakuten with your first purchase for cash back as well!)
Here's what I got:

I get this set of 2 sponges every single month. We don't have a dishwasher, and so proper dishwashing tools are essential. These sponges are made from sustainable material and they are excellent at scrubbing. They work hard but are gentle enough not to scratch your dishes. (We have this ceramic dish to hold our sponges by the sink)

Again, good dish washing supplies here are essential. We have glass soap pumps at the sink and we love these refill bags. You can get at least 2 refills out of these bags with the size soap dispensers we have. We got the lavender scent this time, and it's lovely. Very light and fresh. 

Method Daily Shower Spray Refill
We use this in our master bathroom every day after we shower. It's a really fresh eucalyptus scent, but mainly it's really helpful at keeping our shower cleaner longer. It adds like 2-3 days to our cleaning schedule. 

Rooted Facial Cleanser
You've already heard how much I love the Rooted skincare line from Grove! It's just sooo good. This is a gel cleanser and I put this in our order because we are starting to run low on our current bottle. I did not want to run out.

Again, another Rooted product I love! Same as the facial cleanser, I wanted to have a back up bottle of this. It's a thick, creamy lotion that feels so good on the skin. It's great for my really dry arms and feet. I like the oatmilk scent. I know they also have a rose scent, but floral is not my thing. 

I have been using the women's version of these vitamins for sometime now, and Blake finally ran out of his gummy vitamins (😂) so I picked these up for him. I'm not sure what you can say about vitamins, but these are great. FYI there was a giant cotton ball in this thing, and if you've been reading for any length of time, you know that is my worst nightmare. Bleh. 

Hand Sanitizer Gel
This might be the worst picture I've ever taken, but here ya go. I think this hand sanitizer was the first product I tried from them. It's EXCELLENT! It doesn't smell like alcohol and it's not drying. I love it. As soon as I saw it was back in stock, I grabbed it. It looks like they changed their packaging on these as well. I love this travel size, and we also have the big pump version in the car. 

Cotton Swabs
I try to use reusable things when possible, but cotton swabs are something I can't seem to find a good alternative for. These are organic and great quality. What else can I say about q-tips, haha.

Rooted Facial Wipes
This was my freebie this month. Perfect timing because we were about to run out of these. They are pre moistened wipes that are great for quick face wash. Blake uses them the most, but sometimes I do too if I don't feel like going crazy with the skin care. These are also excellent for travel.

Leave a comment below and tell me if you shop with Grove! What are your favorite products? Interested in any of the ones I mentioned? Are you curious about what other people buy as well?

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner