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4 Year Blogging Anniversary & Behind the Name

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

4 Year Blogiversary! // Pugs & Pearls Blog

Having a good chuckle at myself, because until I went reminiscing and flipped through some old blog posts I thought I was on year 5 of blogging! Whoops!

Flashback to September 18, 2014 and I posted my very first post on Pugs & Pearls. Well back then it was called Pugs, Pearls & Positivity. I had so much fun going through those first few posts that I shared. I'm so proud that I went for it and hit publish even though I was so unsure at the time. Back then there was a lot more quantity over quality in my posts, but it was still cool to see the journey that I've shared here. 

Things didn't really pick up around here until about year 2, so I'm really glad I stuck with it. It's important to know if you are thinking of starting a blog that things do not happen overnight and you shouldn't do it to make money or become famous. 'Cause that ain't happenin. However, it has been really neat to work with brands and make a little money with this side project of mine. I definitely never anticipated that! 

Recognize these old logos?
Picking out a name for a blog is incredibly challenging! So many good names are already taken, and it's hard to find something both unique and meaningful. I have noticed a lot of people recently just using their name as a website name and I really wish that was a more obvious option back in 2014! I definitely didn't know anything about branding then.

I decided on Pugs & Pearls because it was a fun alliteration, and I felt that those two things said a lot about me. My pugs are definitely a big love in my life, but they also represent that goofy, quirky side of me. Pearls are such a classic accessory that really define my style. Ironically, I have yet to showcase an outfit wearing my set of pearls yet! 

Love for pugs and a my set of pearls are also both gifts I received from my husband! He gave me 2 strands of pearls and matching earrings on our 6 month dating anniversary. I had always wanted a string of pearls and he was so generous! By 6 months we knew we wanted to get married, so it reminds me of those feelings. Plus, I wore them on our wedding day!

I'm not sure if everyone knows this, but I didn't really like pugs when I first encountered them! They shed a lot, and can be rather smelly! Blake and his sister had a pug named Willy when I met him. Willy was a sweetheart, but he was one of those smelly pugs. He was cute, but I always thought I'd want a hound dog in the future. Needless to say Willy grew on me and I started to love him. When I met a certain black pug puppy, I was smitten and here we are with 3 pugs of our own. Pugs are such good dogs and I just love that they make people smile! I really love that Pugs & Pearls has introduced me to so many pug people! In fact my 2nd most popular post of all time is a detailed list of what to expect from getting a pug. 

Things have absolutely changed in the last 4 years since I first hit publish! I'm sure things will continue to change too. For now I'm really content with posting once a week, with bonus posts here and there. I love sharing great outfits, travel diaries, favorite products and pug pics! It's been fun to get to know other bloggers. It's been a learning experience working with companies. And it's ultimately been an amazing digital journal! While there are some embarrassing posts here and there, I really love looking back on the past and seeing what old me was up to. My writing has gotten better, and I've really learned a lot about design and photography along the way! 

Thank you all for following along, always leaving such engaging comments and keeping this a positive place! 


  1. Happy blog-iversary! I love the story behind the name and feel like this suits you. I love following your journey! Jess |

  2. Congratulations! Sticking with so,etching so long is such a huge accomplishment. I hope this next year of blogging brings you lots of joy as well! xAllie

    1. Thank you Allie! Sometimes it was easy to keep blogging, and sometimes it wasn't!
      I'm glad you are following along!

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary! Your journey has been inspirational. Thanks for sharing and letting me have a part.
    -your #1fan

  4. I have thought so many times about changing my blog name. And I kind of regret, too, that I didn't just call it my name. Although the url is "audielou" so I guess I always have that option :) I love the story behind your name!! Happy 4th Anniversary!!

    1. That's true! I could always change my url! Thanks for the inspo!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish I had kept my old logos-I've been blogging for 11 years now, and I have changed my template so many times!
    Here's to many more, wonderful years of blogging!
    kisses from Scotland

    1. I wish I had taken a screenshot of the way my blog looked each time I changed it! It would be such a neat time capsule.
      Thanks for reading along Anastasia!!

  6. Oh well done on this achievement, that's wonderful and I always feel so happy to see how far people come along, their achievements and how they're going to be progressing!

    Wishing you a wonderful week and can't wait to see more from you!

    Layla x

    1. Thank you Layla!
      That's my favorite thing about having a blog-you can see a really detailed timeline of your life!

  7. Woohoo! You are honestly one of my favorite bloggers!! Happy blog-iversary!

  8. Congratulations! I love your posts so much, they're so wholesome but fun! Happy blog-iversary, so thankful I stumbled upon your blog a few months back!

    Felicity |

    1. Thank you so much Felicity! You know, I don't think I've heard myself described as wholesome-but I am so happy you feel that way! It's definitely what I've been going for.

  9. Happy blogiversary!! Picking a blog name is really SO hard! Love yours though - it's perfect!


    1. Thank you so much Annessa! I agree. Picking the name was the hardest part!

  10. Happy blogiversary!! So glad I found your blog!!

  11. Congratulations - that's a huge milestone! I love your blog and you always have great, fresh content - here's to 4 more years or more! I think your blog title is really unique and a nice balance - dogs and pearls are of course the stuff of life :) Random fact I came across and thought of you - a group of pugs is called a 'grumble' of pugs - cool eh? I bet you knew you had a good one when you got pearls on your 6 month anniversary - I'd have married him too haha! I think blogging once a week is a great idea - I only do twice a week at this point and find it gives me more balance xx

    1. Thank you thank you Joanne!
      Yes, I did know a group of pugs is called a grumble! I think that's precious. A pug puppy is called a puglet which is even cuter!
      So glad you are following along!!

  12. Congratulations on the milestone! I love looking back as well and seeing how far things have come. I love the meaning behind your blog and how thoughtful that both were gifts. So glad to have met you through this blogging journey and can't wait to see what this year brings for you! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  13. Happy blog anniversary! It was fun to take a stroll down memory lane with you- it’s so cool to have this digital diary! So glad we’ve “met” through blogging!

    1. Thanks Gentry! Memory lane is so fun! I'm glad we've 'met' too, haha!

  14. congrats, kristen! it is definitely a commitment, I think I am about to hit year 4 in october/november too, how funny :) I love that you shared your original blog name, and the meaning. so glad I found/follow you in the blog world!

    1. That is funny Lauren! I love that we started at the same time. That's really cool.
      I'm so happy you are here too!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner

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