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Painting With A Twist

Monday, August 24, 2015

I loved taking art classes in High School, and have always enjoyed painting. Not having any talent hasn't stopped me from trying! My Grandma wanted to have a girl's day out with all the ladies in the family, and we thought a painting class would be a lot of fun (& different!) We chose to go to Painting with a Twist which is a franchised painting studio. An artist walks you through how to paint something step by step. They have a schedule up on their website so that you can pick a painting you'd like to try. 
The Twist part comes from the BYOB policy! I think it's such a fun idea to do with a group! And guys would love it too, you just have to pick a painting they'd be in to. 
I personally didn't care for the painting we were signed up to try, it just wasn't my style. We picked this class because it worked for everyone's busy schedules. But, I love the idea and will definitely go back. 
The studio provides everything you could possibly need from the aprons, canvases and paints. They even kindly sketched out a few guidelines on the canvases for us, which was super helpful. Our group was placed together with easels and paints ready to go. 
Our instructor is also an art teacher at a school, so she was really great at walking us through the painting. The class was super casual and comfortable, and everyone enjoyed singing along with the great soundtrack that was playing in the background...come to think of it, that may have been the wine talking! 
We painted a Tiffany's box with lots of sparkly jewelry coming out of it. The artist's painting was super glam and had lots of bling-which wasn't my thing. What I loved about the class is that we were encouraged to make it our own, and so I just toned down the bling in my painting. 
All in all it was a super fun afternoon and I really enjoyed being with family. Especially my mom! She was such a trooper because she doesn't enjoy arts and crafts in the least! But, I was quite impressed with her painting. In fact everyone in our group did a great job, and I loved that everyone's paintings turned out a bit different. 
In September they have a "Paint Your Pet" class and I am dying to try it! Can you imagine the giant pug painting possibilities?? 

I probably shouldn't have stood next to the artist's painting with my finished product...they aren't quite identical, are they? 
Leave me a comment: Have you ever tried a similar painting class? What did you think?

xoxo Kristen


  1. I've done this before! My mom loved my painting. I thought it was bad lol.

  2. I have always wanted to try one of these classes! I am definitely not much of an artist but it looks fun :)



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner