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one// I thought this was a great Buzzfeed post about being a blogger! So many truths. Especially the one about choosing a URL! That is by far the hardest part of starting a blog, and god forbid you ever want to change it.

two// I'm probably the last person on earth who hadn't heard about Pentatonix. Desperate for something to watch while I did the ironing, I found the documentary on their tour. They are super impressive acapella group. I can't stop listening!

three// On Tuesday my sister and I took my niece and nephew to see Sesame Street Live. What an experience. They loved it, so it was totally worth the trip. I tried to take so many pictures but between the dark and their constant movements I got very few! It was a cute show. I thought it was a tad bit long at an hour and a half. They did have an intermission, but you could tell all those kiddos were getting antsy. This was the only play i've ever been to where it is completely acceptable to talk through the whole thing. When your audience is full of little ones, it's expected! I could barely hear any of the dialogue, but the music was cute and the kids were squealing with delight. Probably from all the sugar from the cotton candy I fed them, hehe. It's the auntie's job to spoil them anyway. 
Rant time though-I was super annoyed at a lot of the parents there. I'd say 75% of them were on their phones during the show. I could tell because no one knows how to dim their screens. Seriously though! Be in the moment. Your kids is loving seeing Elmo up close and you are busy on Facebook. 

four// On Tuesday I got to bust out the Hunters! I have been having such a hard time lately seeing all the gorgeous fall outfits in the bloggerverse. We still have temps in the upper 80s and it's killing me! At least on a rainy day, I have the excuse to wear boots! 

five// Here is your weekly Delly! I can't stop laughing at this picture! All my quilts were in the wash, so I had to grab our duvet off the bed to watch a movie with. Delly loved it and promptly made a little nest right in the middle. She lives such a posh life. Her face in this shot kills me. "Taking a nap here!"

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Friday Five

Friday, October 30, 2015

You've seen it all over the bloggerverse, and maybe it's over-popular. But, I couldn't help myself! I had to have one for this winter! I love that there are so many colors in the plaid, because it makes it so versatile. It's super warm and I imagine it will be so cozy. I say imagine because I'm sitting here in shorts and a tank top...fall doesn't really happen here for a few more weeks. For now my scarf is hanging on the bed post, but I know I'll be sharing plenty of outfits with it soon enough. 

I ran into Walmart for boring stuff like paper towels, and ended up getting very distracted by the Pioneer Woman Collection they have now. Such cute stuff. It reminds me of my Grandma's dishes. I couldn't resist these measuring cups! I am seriously considering going back for this rolling pin and these cereal bowls. Here is the whole collection

three// Wax Warmer
I used to use the Febreeze plug ins, but I've noticed the scents started giving me a headache. But, I love having a good smelling house! So we are trying this awesome copper wax warmer. So far, I love it! I even found Toasted AlmondBurt's Bees Wax Melts, which are to die for. It's such a nice, warm smell, and not too overwhelming. 

four// Oolong Tea
While I love the smell of coffee, I've never really liked the taste of it. But, I do loveee a cup of tea! I always considered myself a Earl Grey kind of girl, but I recently have been obsessed with Oolong. It's got kind of a citrus taste to it, which goes really well with the lemon I like to add to my mug. Yum, Yum, Yum. Plus, I've read it's good for weight loss. 

My friend Neena is super talented at Jewelry making, so I'm so happy she opened up an Etsy shop! She made me 2 bangles, and reworked one I already had. I love these bracelets and they are a great alternative to Bourbon and Boweties. Plus if you shine up your Alex and Ani's you can collect a great stack of bangles. 

Leave me a comment: Do you share any of my favorites? What are you currently loving?

Currently Loving - October 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This is a story about 2 orphans, one 17 and one 91. The 91 year old came to America as a child, and after becoming an orphan she was sent to the midwest on an Orphan Train-which were a very real thing. Both women have a very similar story even though they seem very different. 

What I Didn't Like:
This sort of reads like a YA novel, and it's not meant to be. One major thing I didn't care for was how similar the Foster parents all were. Every family had strong willed wives and passive husbands. I really wished for a bit of variety in that way. Pretty stereotypical.  Oh, and Molly was also pretty stereotypical in that she was a goth but just misunderstood. 

What I Liked: 
Reading about the orphan trains was so interesting! I had no idea they existed before. They were a terrible thing, and I wish I could have personally adopted all of those kids. & I so wish this book had kept going, it was just getting good! 

Overall Rating: 
4 out of 5 Stars

What are you reading??

Book Club: Orphan Train

Monday, October 26, 2015

one// We bought our Star Wars tickets this week! I'm really excited to see the new movie, especially after the trailer that came out on Monday. Looks crazy good.

two// One late night at Walmart, on a total impulse buy, I ended up with an adult coloring book! Have you guys seen those things!? Such intricate and time consuming patterns. I've only gotten one page finished so far, and that took me 3 days. It's been a really relaxing, mindless activity. 

three// Netflix randomly suggested Jane The Virgin to me sometime over the weekend. Wanting something new to watch I took the bait. It is the cutest show! It's both charming and silly. At first I was put off by the name, but I'm super glad I pressed play. Ended up watching the entire 1st season just in time to catch up to the first 3 episodes of the current one. 

four// I just have no idea how I haven't found the Mark & Graham website before...I literally want every single item they sell. Especially the entire Herringbone Collection! Not cheap stuff, but lots of great gift ideas. Like this custom playing card set-perfect wedding gift, no?

five// I grabbed a new bottle of nail polish at Target this week, and I am so excited to use it! I bought Essie Bahama Mama and I picked up a bottle of their Gel Setter. It's supposed to make any polish gel-like. We will see how it works! The Fall definitely makes me lean towards the darker colors. 

Happy Friday! How was your week??

Friday Five

Friday, October 23, 2015

I get so frustrated thinking back to my High School experience. While the act of going to school taught me discipline and social skills, I so wish we had more practical classes. How valuable would a class on paying your taxes be? They could call it Being A Grown Up 101. 

Recently, I had to do the most Grown Up thing I have ever had to do. I had to apologize for something I didn't do. They don't teach you how to do that in school. 

Details aren't important, because sharing all them would diminish the grown-upness of the whole thing. But, I do want to talk about the complete unexpected unstatisfyingness of this particular apology. Even though I was positive I was not wrong, I wanted to make it right between us. Peace is very important, and so is preventing something like this from happening again. 

Being the anxious obsessive I am, I really agonized about the whole thing. I practiced what I was going to say, prayed about it and even made sure that my 'speech' would be received well by rehearsing in front of my amused husband. Thinking of what to say was so difficult! What I really wanted to say was 'I'm sorry you created this drama that I now have to fix.' But, alas, that would not do. 

Mustering up courage, swallowing my pride, and silencing my brain, I walk over to the person. I nervously recite my planned speech. Fully expecting my apology to be the catalyst to a civilized and adult conversation, I was almost immediately disappointed. That. Was. Not. what I was expecting.

I never once considered the fact that the other person has to cooperate with your apology. I anticipated a happy little reconciliation with a hug to top it off. Not what happend.

No one teaches you what to do if you apology isn't accepted. The relief I had hoped for was not waiting for me at the end of that conversation. Instead I wished I hadn't even bothered. I regretted my apology! At this time, I would like to remind you that I was apologizing for something I hadn't even done. I didn't do anything! But, I had to suck it up anyway, forcing myself to have an awkward conversation. All to be met with a fake smile and zero cooperation. 

After a few days of reflecting, because that's what I do-obsess, I decided I had to get over it. I have done my part. I made the effort to make peace and can honestly say my conscience is clear.
Instead of anger/frustration/irritation, I have decided that I feel brave. It's really brave and grown up to be a peacemaker and to swallow your own pride for the sake of peace. That was a super Grown Up thing I did, and I'm proud of it! 

Leave me a comment: What is the most Grown Up thing you've ever had to do? What would you teach in Being A Grown Up 101?

The Most Grown Up Thing I've Ever Had To Do

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

one// This week flew by! I guess that's a side effect of 3 day weekends. But, looking back I didn't accomplish all that much this week...that kind of bums me out! I did succeed in running twice and making my 10,000 steps every day! That I will take pride in.

two// We started talking with one of our couple friends about planning a 'out of the country' trip in the next year! I really hope it's not all talk and that we actually go! I have a serious case of the travel bug and I'm dying for something new on the calendar. We have a cruise planned next month so that is at least holding me over. I can't be the only one who aches to travel.

three// Last weekend was a Disney weekend! We had so much fun and I really tried to be in the moment so pictures were my last priority. I did manage to take a few, which you can see below. 
I painted my Magic Band with glitter nail polish and I think it came out super adorable! We got to try something new at Epcot-The Sum of All Thrills. They say it's been there since 2009, but we've never seen it before! It's basically a custom roller coaster simulator that you design yourself. Super fun and definitely worth the wait time. 

four// Today is Boss' Day! Don't forget to get your boss a little something. My dad is my boss, and I have been working for the family business for 10 years! I plan on taking him to lunch today. He is the best!

five//  I shared this on Instagram, but I wanted to show it off here too! I got the sweetest letter in the mail from my little friends Bradley and Callie-they sent me a gorgeous picture of Delly! Pugs are not easy to draw, so I am quite impressed! I love how they drew her crazy eyes too. Isn't snail mail the best!?

Happy Friday!!

Friday Five

Friday, October 16, 2015

Time for another playlist! My current playlist is kind of random-I even threw in a Justin Bieber song. What can I say, I'm feelin' it. I also think this makes a good running playlist! Nothing like cooler weather and a new playlist to motivate your run. Tell me what's on your current playlist!

Autumn Playlist 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

one// This photo has gone viral around the internet and it speaks to me! Our generation is so obsessed with taking photos instead of just enjoying the moment. It happens all the time at concerts. Everyone has their phones up in the air instead of enjoying the music. Just look at this sweet old lady.

two// This week I spent a considerable amount of time 'Fall' Cleaning! It was glorious. I made a huge yard sale pile and threw away a ton. And I spent a big part of the time working on our closet! Out with the summery things and in with the colder weather gear. Except it's still a gorgeous 80 degrees around here. I put all the tanks and shorts in an accessible place, as the weather is unpredictable and we are going on a cruise next month and will need them then.

three// It's a DISNEY WEEKEND! Need I say more? Be sure you'll get a full recap. 

four// I've been in such a cooking mood! Must be the time of year. I made some really yummy chocolate cupcakes with homemade icing. I was deep into baking when I realized we didn't have any butter. To avoid going to the store I went all 3rd grade science class and literally made some butter! My arms are killing me from shaking the jar, but man was it worth it-that butter was so good! Now the problem with baking in a family of two means that there are a dozen cupcakes on the counter that are going to be quite the temptation. 

five// We put Blake's car in the shop this week, for a recall and just to replace a few belts. Well the dealership called us to tell us that we need to do about $2000 worth of repairs. Considering we were thinking of getting a new car in the next year anyway, that was not a pleasant phone call. Sooo we may be getting a new car this weekend. A lot sooner than planned, so either way our budget is going to need reassessing. Here is where stress meets excitement. 

Happy Friday! How has your week been?

Friday Five

Friday, October 9, 2015

I can't be the only one who could never get tired of looking at pug pictures? All pugs are beautiful to me! My favorite time "waster" is searching the #pugstagram on Instagram. There are so many great accounts out there. I wanted to share a few of my favorites!

A photo posted by Gemma Gené (@157ofgemma) on

A photo posted by @itslolathepug on

A photo posted by ernestthepug (@ernestthepug) on

A photo posted by Boo the Pug (@mypugboo) on

A photo posted by jack pug (@piratepugjack) on

I now notice that I tend to like fat pugs with an excess of wrinkles! 

Leave me a comment: What are your favorite Pugstagrams? Do you have a favorite pug hashtag? 

Favorite Pugstagrams

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1 Chronicles 4:10
"Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying: 'O that you would bless me and enlarge my territory and let your hand be with me and preserve me from calamity, so that it may bring no harm to me!' So God brought about what he asked for."

At first glance Jabez's prayer at 1 Chronicles 4:10 might seem a bit selfish because he asked for more land and to be preserved from calamity. But, his prayer was answered, so it couldn't have been selfish. He may have wanted more land so that his territory could hold more worshippers of Jehovah, and when asking to be shielded from calamity he may have meant just that it wouldn't overwhelm him. He is a good example for us and our prayers. 

Read the Bible online for free at 

Bible Highlights: 1 Chronicles 1-4

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

one// Here is a fun flashback to October 3rd 2009 when Blake and I got engaged! He proposed to me at Magic Kingdom during the fireworks. We had the perfect day! October is really the best time to go! As for the wheelchair in the picture, our friend found it and then proceeded to pretend to have a broken ankle for the rest of the day so they could cut in line. I so did not approve of that, but I was so crazy in love at the time that I was pretty distracted. 
two// With just 2 months until our cruise, both Blake and I have gotten serious about our diets! We have been kind of lax lately, and my pants have been way tighter. I don't have a lot of time right now for exercise but I know I can make a huge difference just by eating better. We've done really well this week! Hopefully the motivation sticks. 

three// TV is back! I'm so happy to have something other than Netflix to watch. We don't have cable so we rely on what we can stream. I watched a few new shows, and am really curious how they go. I liked Quantico and I thought Grandfathered was really cute. 

four// I can't stop laughing at the fact that my sister invited me to go see Sesame Street Live. I can't believe my little sister is a mom in the first place, but she's like such a mom

five// I had to sign into Facebook to retrieve the above flashback picture. I deactivated probably a year ago. It was so funny to look through all of those old pictures! It's crazy how much we put on the internet. Especially years ago! I would never post every single vacation picture now. I already regret outfit choices, and my skin care routine. Ick. Have I mentioned how much I hate Throwback Thursday! I am so dedicated to improving myself that when I look back it makes me irritated with old me.

Happy Friday!

Friday Five

Friday, October 2, 2015


Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner