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Bible Highlights: 1 Samuel 16-18

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

1 Samuel 16:7 
"...Do not pay attention to his appearance and how tall he is, for I have rejected him. For the way man sees is not the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees into the heart." 

Jehovah sets a great example for us at 1 Samuel 16:7 where he looks at the heart rather than at outward appearances. We have the tendency to judge people based on our first impression of them, which usually involves how they look. Our judgements can be completely inaccurate, because we can't hear thoughts or see intentions. We need to remember that the inner person is all that matters. 

xoxo Kristen
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  1. OMG! I just stumbled across your blog as I was thinking I should actually DO something with mine! Not only do we share the love of pugs, you have a nephew named Zane, which is my husbands name, we seem to share the same love of decorating, organizing, yard work, and thrifting.. We also share the same faith! Love this! Definitely subscribing! #bestlifeever #jw

    1. Welcome!! How cool! I love to meet similar people, and it sounds like we have a TON in common! Leave a link to your blog, I'd love to follow along!!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner