When you have a large family it is so hard to get everyone together. This year we have actually done a pretty good job! This time we got together in Tallahassee at Maclay Gardens. We had a friend take some family photos, and I think they turned out so nice. The group text conversation in the days leading up to this photo shoot was nothing less than hysterical. No one knew what to wear, and it never seemed like a decision was never made. But, almost everyone ended up in blues and pinks which looked great! Funny how things always work out.
Fortunately we got in most of the pictures before it started raining! Here are a few of my favorites.
We finished our day hanging out at my parent's house playing uno and eating yummy take out. While everyone was by the pool, I ran out and took a few photos for my friend! I will have to share those later this week!
xoxo Kristen
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