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Ways To Survive A Busy Season

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When I was in Kindergarten, my mom has told me that if we went to our Thursday night meeting for worship, I would wake up throwing up on Friday morning. It happened every week! If I didn't get proper rest, I would end up sick. My body has always been like that. If I don't slow down, it'll make me slow down. 

She likes to remind me of that everytime we are on the phone and I go over the crazy to-do lists I have. I've worked really hard to pare down that list-but sometimes busy can't be helped. Spring has historically been our busy season. I work in Real Estate, and as I'm sure most of you know the market is poppin' and we've been all hands on deck at work. (I did just get a raise so that makes it so much better.) Additionally, Blake and I do construction volunteer work and that has turned into basically a part time job. (Loving it and it's absolutely a priority.) We've thrown training days once a month since January and those are 13 hour days, plus all the prep that goes on the week before.

Spring also tends to bring graduation parties, baby showers and weddings too! My sister and brother in law just moved into their new house and I'm hosting a housewarming for them...after taking 3 days out of my regular schedule to help her move and get organized. (Not complaining! That stuff is my jam.) 

My point in sharing all that is not for pity, after all I've done this to myself. Life can be crazy, but I think it's SO important to thrive in life and not just survive. I want to share a few suggestions today about how to reset, recharge and find happiness while you are swimming up the current. 

Tips for Thriving During A Busy Season

Remember Your Non Negotiables
I suggest spending a few minutes on this with a pen and paper. You have to nail down what is non negotiable in your life. Identifying these things will help you navigate your day and a busy season. These are things that you must do, but things that also fill your tank.

For me, it's: daily Bible Reading, some kind of physical activity, having a tidy house in the evenings and communication with my husband. These things keep me grounded and are things I find vital for feeling good about my day. If nothing else goes right, I don't feel terrible if I've done these things.

Saying No
Mark this one down as the hardest thing to do in life. The reality of a busy season is that you don't have much room for extras. This is especially hard for people like me because I like to have it all! Learning to say no is an ongoing challenge, but it has helped me more than anything else.

One thing I've been saying no to lately is week night invitations. As much fun as I might be missing out on, it throws my schedule off so much if I do something on a weeknight. I simply reply: Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I can't this time. Have fun! 

I was also recently asked to make some gifts for about 50 people, and as much as I LOVE an opportunity to use my Cricut, I had to say no this time. Again: Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I can't this time!

Meal Plan and Instacart
Although it's not a non negotiable, I try to make it a priority to cook at home. A busy season makes it incredibly tempting to eat out. It might be easier, but I never feel as good after a restaurant meal as I do when we cook at home. Being busy shouldn't impact your budget either.

We've been keeping meals incredibly simple. Cooking is one of my favorite things, but right now it's just not feasible to do a complicated recipe. Additionally I've been having my groceries delivered with Instacart. (Use my link to sign up and you can get $10 toward groceries and free delivery!) They deliver all the time so it's really convenient to shop. Having one less errand to run has been a game changer!

Mental Health Day
Taking a mental health day is something I've been doing for a decade. When I start feeling run down, I know I need to rest or else I will be forced into it at an inconvenient time. It's as simple as taking a day to do nothing. The hardest part is giving yourself permission not to accomplish anything. 

On mental health days I usually hang out on the couch and catch up on tv shows or movies. That's it if I'm feeling particularly drained. If I've got some energy I will try to do some laundry or other easy chores. These days are great opportunities for face masks and an at home pedicure. 

Reset Your House
Since one of my non negotiables is having a tidy house before I go to bed, our house rarely gets into that disaster mode. But, a busy season means I have less time for deep cleanings. It feels SO good to take an afternoon and totally reset the house. I go room by room, top to bottom. You can't tell me going to sleep in clean sheets doesn't make you happy! 

Master Making A To Do List
My best to do list making happens the night before. I try to think of what I have on the schedule for the following day and what absolutely needs to happen. Be realistic. Do not give yourself 45 boxes to check. You won't feel good when you don't accomplish all 45. Instead, pick the most necessary and feel great when you accomplish it. 

To do lists have become critical to my current lifestyle. If I don't write it down, I will not remember it. My Simplified Planner has a great to-do list section, but I also really love using Erin Condren notebooks for longer lists. (Use my Erin Condren referral link and get a $10 gift certificate which would make these notebooks half price!)

As mentioned before, it's not possible to do it all. If you are in a busy season, something will have to be sacrificed. (Remember it's not forever!) Take inventory of what takes up a lot of time and that isn't necessary. For me it's social media. I gave my tips a few months ago on how to do a social media free weekend

Don't want to give up social media completely? Try uninstalling the apps from your phone, and only checking your socials from a computer. Or just turn off notifications to reduce the time you spend scrolling. 

For you it might be watching tv in the evenings. Most of the time, when I sit down on the couch, that's it for productivity that day. Technology can be such a great tool, but it's also time consuming. If you are busy, it might be something you can take a break from.

Let's Talk! Leave me a comment below and tell me what's going on in your life! Is it a busy season for you too? What are some ways that you recharge and unwind? How do you thrive and not just survive a busy season?
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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner