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Book Club: The Wednesday Wars

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Wednesday Wars
From Goodreads: The Wednesday Wars is a wonderfully witty and compelling story about a teenage boy’s mishaps and adventures over the course of the 1967–68 school year in Long Island, New York. 

What I Didn't Like:
This took me a little while to get into. The story takes place during an entire school year, so it has lulls. I really only got enthusiastic about the story in the 2nd half. 

What I Liked: 
This was a really light read. It's wholesome, and I really like a kid's perspective on a time in history that had a lot going on. It reminded me of when I was in 6th grade and 9/11 happened. I knew it was terrible at the time, but I was so young that I really didn't understand the whole thing. Holling lives during the Vietnam war, The Beatles, Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy being shot...but he's also got a lot going on in 7th grade. He is a fun and charming narrator

Overall Rating: 
4 out of 5 Stars (1: hated it, 2: didn't like it, 3: liked it, 4:liked it, 5: loved it)
I did really like this book, but I didn't LOVE it. It's charming and light, but it definitely isn't thrilling. 


  1. I'm always looking for new recommendations!! Thanks so much! :)

    Katherine |

  2. I am so bad about giving up on books too early if I can't get into them right away. I feel like maybe I've missed out on some that would have probably been really good if I had waited it out like you did with this one. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. I'm the same way! I think the only reason I kept hanging in there with this one was because it had been recommended by someone I usually totally agree with.

  3. I've never heard of this book but it sounds interesting! That time in history is usually glossed over so hearing it from a kid's point of view would be really unique!

  4. I need to check this book out! I'm such a bookworm! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  5. This sounds really good! I've been looking for a new book to start, so thank you for sharing!!


  6. I've never heard of this, but it's such an interesting idea for a book!!

  7. Interesting that it's from the kid's perspective! That's kind of cool.



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner