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5 Things That Make Me Kind of A Weirdo

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My favorite type of blog posts to read are the ones where people get real. The behind-the-scenes photos or the embarrassing stories...I love that! We live in an Instagram world where we only get to see the highlight reel. That's why I love those glimpses into people's real lives! We are all seeking to connect with others and not feel super different or weird. 

I thought I'd share a few things with you today that make me weird! I'm putting myself out there, so ya'll have to return the favor and comment below with what makes you a little odd too. 

I gag when I brush my teeth.
I've been brushing my teeth for almost 27 years and I still gag every time. Sometimes it's just a little and other times my husband can't stop laughing at me because he can hear it in the other room. This is totally genetic because my sister has always been a gagger too. (Is gagger a word?) For me it's usually textures and smells that make me gag, but when I'm brushing my teeth it's because of the toothpaste and brushing my tongue at the same time that causes it.

I love riding with my feet on the dash, but absolutely hate it when other people do. 
There is nothing like kicking off your shoes, propping your feet up on the dashboard and leaning the seat back when you are going to be in the car for awhile...except when you do it. I absolutely hate seeing people's feet on their dashboards when driving around. But, I can do it and it doesn't bother me. I realize this doesn't make any sense.

I have an actual phobia of cotton balls.
I honestly feel sick just writing about this. The texture of cotton balls makes my skin crawl and my stomach flip. I actually tear up when I open a pill bottle and see that it has a cotton ball in it. I can't touch it or I will throw up. It's kinda like nails on a chalkboard, or a fork scratching a plate. The thought of them is so cringey. It's probably mostly a texture thing, but even the thought of them alone makes me shiver. Cotton rounds are a bit different for me, and that's what a use to take off my nail polish. They just have to be soaking wet with acetone for me to feel okay. It's so weird and I totally regret writing this post now.

Dolphins give me anxiety.
Okay, so this one stems from an experience. I was kayaking with my friend and we came upon some dolphins. It's a movie moment, but instead of feeling amazed by nature I was so overcome with worry about being surrounded by them in a little kayak that I still have dread when I see a dolphin. I just have this feeling that they'd turn on you. It's like clowns for some people. They are supposed to be all happy and cheery, but a lot of people feel like they are secretly evil. That's me with dolphins! Even when I see them in an aquarium I feel a bit anxious. 

I imagine my furniture in every home I go into. 
I guess this is just a testament to how my brain works. Every time I go into a new house, (which is often since I work in Real Estate and clean houses for extra money.) I imagine all of my belongings and furniture in there as if I was going to move in. It may have started as an mental exercise when I started my job, but now I just do it every time I'm in a new house. I think about where our couch would fit, where the tv would go and if I'd have to get rid of something or buy new stuff. If I'm not imagining my own furniture, I'm mentally moving the existing furniture and redecorating. To all my real-life friends reading this, yes, I've done it at your house! 

It's my hope that reading this made you feel a little less weird yourself, or maybe you feel connected to me now! Please leave a comment below letting me know I'm not alone and that you love reading about other people's real lives. 

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  1. Oh my gosh, you had me roaring at the cotton ball thing! Maybe I shouldn't even leave this comment because I don't want you thinking about them anymore!! haha!! Loved this post... hilarious!! And I'm like you... "real" blog posts like this are my personal favorite.

    1. I know, I hated writing about cotton balls, and I hated proof reading this post and I knew people were going to comment on it! But I know it's funny and I had to share. Glad you got a kick out of it, haha!

  2. I gag too if I brush my tongue.

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm a gagger as well! Brushing my teeth, especially early in the morning, is always a torturous activity. And 99% of the foods I hate are strictly because of texture. Raisins are kind of like my cotton balls...if they are anywhere near my vicinity I'm going to become a big baby really quickly.

    1. Isn't it funny? One part of our brain is freaking out and the other half totally acknowledges how weird it is.

  4. I am super scared of birds, especially cranes or herons that hang out around lakes. I don't know what it is! Also, I'm a toothbrush gagger too! A company awhile back sent me a box of snacks and random goodies to try, and one item was a tongue scraper and I was like "Yeah, not gonna happen." lol

    1. I have heard of several people who are afraid of birds! I guess that's why Hitchcock made that movie.

  5. Totally hear you on the gagging. I don't do it when I brush my teeth, but gross smells get me so close to throwing up from gagging so hard. Ugh!

    I shared some of my quirks a few weeks ago and probably the oddest is that I HATE bare feet. HATE! I always have to have socks on, even when I'm sleeping and even when it's hot out.

    1. Smells get me too! I am going to go find your quirky post! I love this stuff.

  6. It's always fun to read about me type posts. It makes me feel good to know I'm not alone in my quirks!

  7. Did you write this post before or after our convo last Saturday? Lol. 😉

    1. I had it half written months ago, but wasn't sure if I wanted to ruin my image haha. Our conversation on Saturday inspired me to finish it!

  8. Ryan gags when he brushes his teeth! Haha he sounds like a dog vomiting. It would gross me out so bad when I was pregnant.
    & I have a weird texture thing with pruny hands. If my hands are even the slightest bit pruny I can't touch anything until they are completely dry or I cringe. It's terrible & weird.



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner