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Friday Five

Friday, January 29, 2016

one// Oh my goodness, it's been 2 weeks since my last post! I can't believe how busy life gets and how easy it is to let blogging slip by. We've had an insane last week or so, but I think it's finally back to normal around here. I'm forgiven, right??

two// Last weekend was a Disney weekend!! It was probably the last one for awhile though, which is a bit sad. We decided not to renew our passes while we save up for Blake's new car. We went out with a bang! Our trip started with a reservation at Be Our Guest, which we have been trying to get for months. It so lived up to the hype too. Delicious food and awesome decor! We stayed all three days until the parks closed and we also got to spend each day with different friends. We finished it off with the Star Wars fireworks show at Hollywood Studios-which is incredible! I may even like it better than Wishes...

three// My brother surprised us with tickets to see the Star Trek Ultimate Voyage concert this week! It was a gorgeous symphony that played all of the songs from the various Star Trek shows and movies. The music was set to clips from the shows too. You can't beat live music, even if it's a little nerdy! It was so fun. I loved getting dressed up and doing something a little different. 

four// Equal opportunity nerding right now, but you have got to watch this SNL of Kylo Ren's Undercover Boss. It's hysterical!

five// And your weekly Delly! It's probably illegal to drive with your dog in your lap, but she insists and we totally give in.

Happy Friday!


  1. That's exactly how Maddie wants to ride!!

    1. I know you feel my pain with the sneezing all over the windows, right?!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner