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Friday Five

Friday, October 30, 2015

one// I thought this was a great Buzzfeed post about being a blogger! So many truths. Especially the one about choosing a URL! That is by far the hardest part of starting a blog, and god forbid you ever want to change it.

two// I'm probably the last person on earth who hadn't heard about Pentatonix. Desperate for something to watch while I did the ironing, I found the documentary on their tour. They are super impressive acapella group. I can't stop listening!

three// On Tuesday my sister and I took my niece and nephew to see Sesame Street Live. What an experience. They loved it, so it was totally worth the trip. I tried to take so many pictures but between the dark and their constant movements I got very few! It was a cute show. I thought it was a tad bit long at an hour and a half. They did have an intermission, but you could tell all those kiddos were getting antsy. This was the only play i've ever been to where it is completely acceptable to talk through the whole thing. When your audience is full of little ones, it's expected! I could barely hear any of the dialogue, but the music was cute and the kids were squealing with delight. Probably from all the sugar from the cotton candy I fed them, hehe. It's the auntie's job to spoil them anyway. 
Rant time though-I was super annoyed at a lot of the parents there. I'd say 75% of them were on their phones during the show. I could tell because no one knows how to dim their screens. Seriously though! Be in the moment. Your kids is loving seeing Elmo up close and you are busy on Facebook. 

four// On Tuesday I got to bust out the Hunters! I have been having such a hard time lately seeing all the gorgeous fall outfits in the bloggerverse. We still have temps in the upper 80s and it's killing me! At least on a rainy day, I have the excuse to wear boots! 

five// Here is your weekly Delly! I can't stop laughing at this picture! All my quilts were in the wash, so I had to grab our duvet off the bed to watch a movie with. Delly loved it and promptly made a little nest right in the middle. She lives such a posh life. Her face in this shot kills me. "Taking a nap here!"

Happy Friday Everyone!!

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner