I'm Watching: Still binging on The Hills...I'm on season 4 already. The episodes are shorter than I remember, so I'm getting through it pretty fast. The soundtrack is bringing back a lot of memories!
I'm Reading: I have been faithfully following IHeart Organizing's living room/kitchen remodel! The final living room pictures are up and I can't express how jealous I am of this room. It's so my style and I don't think I could ever pull off such an awesome transformation.
I'm Listening To: Overload by Life of Dillon
is my current favorite on my workout playlist. So summery and fun.
I'm Wishing For: I'm currently looking for a Tablet. I've been getting by just fine with my phone, but ever since Blake got his tablet, I've been seriously eyeing it. It can do so many cool things!
I Need To: I haven't done my workout yet today, so that's next on the list. My fitbit is on the charger and I can't stand the idea of working out with out getting credit for it!
I'm Looking Forward To: Disney weekend!!!! You'll be seeing plenty of posts about it next week.
I'm Making: This is a really cool post about how to make your own Mickey Ears for Disney World. My sister got me an awesome pair from Etsy, but I'd like to try my hand at making more with a variety of colors to match whatever I'm wearing.
Favorite Moment of the Week: I got to spend all of Thursday afternoon at the pool with my nephew. It was a gorgeous day and he adores the pool. I bought him a cool float and pool toys that he ended up loving. (It's always nice when you buy a kid something they actually like) I slathered him up in sunscreen, and of course I'm the one who got burned...just a little bit on my back and it's already faded-so not too terrible. I just love the pool and it was so great to be out there with nothing to worry about.
What are you guys up to this week??
xoxo Kristen
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