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Favorite Kitchen Small Appliances

Monday, February 27, 2023

Blake and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage this month! I was just thinking about baby me and how much fun it was to set up the kitchen in our first home. I actually vividly remember registering at Bed Bath and Beyond and how everything I picked out was chocolate very 2010. 

Now, 13 years later, I really know what I should have registered for that day! Things that stand the test of time and all my experiments in the kitchen over the years. After this long, almost everything has been replaced once or twice. Towels don't last forever after all. But, some things we've had all this time are in our kitchen. I'm talking about our small appliances! Some of these were quite the investment for some newlyweds, but the fact that I still have them now says a lot! 

If you want a little blast from the past, I shared our first kitchen here on the blog in 2017 after we had done some updating to the space!

What Small Appliances You Should Register For

KitchenAid Pro Stand Mixer 

I'll be honest, I forgot how much I paid for this until this post when I went to link it. 😳My mom had one of these stand mixers in our home growing up, so when I moved out I knew I wanted to get one of my own. So, the first year we were married, we used our tax refund to purchase a KitchenAid stand mixer! 
This machine is just such a classic for a reason. Even though it's more expensive, the pro version is so nice. The top doesn't tilt up which I like a lot better. I use this all the time and will continue to the rest of my life I'm sure. I'm so very glad we went with silver back in 2010 because I felt like that was a time we were all nuts about colors like teal or yellow. 

Emeril Lagasse Air Fryer 360 

One of my newer appliances, but I can't recommend it enough! About the time we were selling our house 2 years ago, our toaster oven was biting the dust. I took the opportunity to condense several appliances into one with the Emeril Lagasse air fryer! We use it as a toaster, air fryer, mini oven...and I don't even think that's half of capabilities. We've even dehydrated fruit with it. It's got a great capacity and works really well. 
Kitchen Aid Pro Stand Mixer | Emeril Lagasse 360 Review

Cuisinart Food Processor 

File this under an item I had no idea how much I would love. Growing up, I don't remember ever using a food processor. But, Blake insisted we needed one when we were curating our kitchen. He said his family used it all the time. Well, spoiler alert - we do too! I use this to make hummus, peanut butter, homemade dog food on occasion...all kinds of stuff. This Cuisinart has been going strong for something like 12 years now. 10/10 from me

Crockpot Pressure Cooker 

Another item I didn't know I would love so much! My beloved Crockpot got a huge crack in the ceramic part, rendering it unusable. I went to Walmart to grab another one (honestly, I was going to buy the exact same one again!) and they were sold out of almost every kind of Crockpot. It was the teeny mini one meant for a dorm room or the one I ended up with. And, I almost didn't buy it. This was when Instapots were really just coming on the scene. I'm always super skeptical of things like that, and didn't think we would use it. But, it was a pressure cooker and a crockpot all in one, so I decided to give it a go. Honestly, pressure cooking isn't as scary as I thought. But, I also don't use that feature very often. I mainly use this as a slow cooker, but also love the searing feature and the rice cooking setting! Do you see a theme here? I love appliances that do multiple things! 

KitchenAid Immersion Blender

My newest buy! I got this while doing Whole30 because it seemed like every recipe I found called for an immersion blender. Well, I wish I had known about these sooner! So useful and I have made some delicious recipes using it. 

Ninja Blender

Probably the next appliance I need to replace is our blender. We've had this for literally a dozen years! It still works great, but you can tell it's worn in a lot of places. I do get nervous about cleaning the blade to this day. But, I really like how easy it is to use, and you don't have to lug out a huge traditional blender every time you want a protein shake. 

GE Hand Mixer

I have had this so long, I can't find it online anymore! This one is rarely used because I typically go for my stand mixer. But every once in awhile I prefer this guy to use for mash potatoes or brownie batter. 

Black and Decker Electric Kettle

With my love of multi use appliances, this one really goes against the grain because it's got exactly one use. Boiling water! It's just so darn nice to have during the winter when I'm drinking lots of hot tea! But it's got such a large capacity it's easy to use to brew iced tea, or to make oatmeal in the morning! I love it and this one is so pretty out on the counter. 

Mini Keurig

Blake and I do not drink hot coffee, but we know that most people do. So, when we have guests for the weekend or even for dinner, I love to be able to offer them coffee. I know Keurig coffee isn't as good as drip - but because this is solely for that random occasion when we have company I think it's perfect. 

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner