Happy Monday everyone! Things have been very much the new normal for us this past week. Blake has been working from home a lot again and I love having him around. We both had the day off last Monday for MLK day, so we decided to get out of the house and go for a little adventure.
Florida Caverns State Park
Mariana, FL
About 2 hours away from us is an amazing State Park. I went on multiple field trips here as a kid, but hadn't been in years. I knew Blake would love seeing the caverns.
We got there really early because they are limiting tours because of COVID. I'm actually really happy they have it set up this way because the tour groups are very small and it seems like you get a better experience. Unfortunately the park is still very damaged because of Hurricane Michael 2 years ago, so none of the hiking trails were open. That was a bummer because we would have loved to do a trail while we were there.
Either way, totally worth the trip! The Caverns are incredible. They've put up all different color lights to enhance the formations.
Spending Time Outside
We also got the urge to do a little bit outside this past week. Spring isn't quite here but I couldn't stand looking at my frostbitten plants anymore! We changed them out for some gardenias and my old lady neighbors are happy not to look at dead planters. (Seriously, every yard on our circle is award winning.)
All winter we've been talking about how nice it would be to have a fireplace. When we went to Lowes for our plants we spotted a really nice firepit that had a great price. We've already enjoyed it immensely! Had to pick up some fresh cushions for our Adirondacks as well.
You know what I enjoyed the most about it? Going to Lowes and not needing anything. When we owed our house there was constantly some home improvement project to do, and we were always at Lowes. It was so nice to go in and just buy stuff we wanted, not needed.
Some Recent Outfits
Random Things:
+ I've set the goal to add a new design to my Etsy shop every week for the next two months! I have a lot of ideas, it's just tedious to create something new. One at a time seems far less daunting. (You can shop my Etsy store here.)
+ We've been playing tennis! When I was a senior in High School and then after I graduated, a group of friends would meet every Wednesday to play tennis. I loved it, and we always had such a good time. I even tried to get a group to play regularly when I first got married and moved away. Life gets in the way with that stuff though. But, we started playing about 2 weeks ago and now we just keep our rackets in the car to play whenever we want! It's be so much fun, and the more we play, the better we get. I love exercising like that, you don't even think about it, you are just having fun.
+ I'm doing the 1 Second Everyday App this year! I started it last year and was faithful until about May. It was a really cool video at first, but then I felt so bored filming the same ole thing everyday. We really weren't doing anything other than sitting around on the computer. I wish I would have stuck with it though because things really changed for us at the end of the year with selling our house and moving, and that would have been cool to document. So I'm giving it another go!
Leave a comment below and tell me what you did with your day off! Have you wanted to fast-forward to spring too? What sport do you like to play?
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