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Five on Friday {9/9/15}

Friday, September 18, 2015

one// I enter blog giveaways all the time, and have never won before. For the first time ever I actually was chosen as the winner! Thanks so much to Kelly from for my AmEx gift card! Reason tells me I should use it to buy groceries or something-but that is not fun at all.

two// I got my September Ipsy bag this week! So far I really like the products they've sent me. Perfect timing too because I needed a new brown eye-shadow pallet, and I got one this month! I also got a eyebrow pallet, and I really need to watch some Youtube videos on how to properly fill your brows. 
three// I also got a new bag this week! I've been sporting a bright pink one that I love, but I didn't feel it was appropriate as the season changes. Although it tends to stay summery in Florida until November-I'm in the autumn spirit anyway! This bag is from Target, and boy did I have a hard time choosing the color I wanted. I wanted one of each to be honest, but in the end decided for the practical choice. 
four// I have done so good this week with cooking all of our dinners! I am super proud of my meal plan and how I kept it pretty simple. My favorite dinner was something I always make in the crock pot but decided to make in my new Dutch oven. I think it turned out better than ever. My crockpot always seems to overcook-I think it gets too hot even on warm. Now I'm obsessed with my Dutch oven. Got it at Ikea by the way! I had been searching for one for ages, and I felt like even TJ Maxx had them way too expensive. Ikea does it again! 
five// Does anyone else start thinking in a different accent after they watch a show or movie with that accent? Everytime I watch Downton Abbey I start thinking in a British accent! I am so scared I'm going to speak aloud in that accent...mostly because I'm absolutely terrible at accents. 

xoxo Kristen


  1. Love this post! Also, thanks for my newest addiction of blog reads , kelly in the city is great! Love all the Doxies oh her page :)

    1. Kelly In The City is one of my favs! She has the cutest outfits. And having a Dachshund named Noodle is the best thing ever.

  2. Love this post! Also, thanks for my newest addiction of blog reads , kelly in the city is great! Love all the Doxies oh her page :)

  3. Replies
    1. It's such a shame that it's a huge accomplishment!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner