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20 Things to Do While Your Husband Is Watching Football

Monday, September 21, 2015

Words simply can't describe just how much my husband Blake loves sports! He is a reservoir of statistics and player's names. Subtly or not he is constantly keeping up with every game simultaneously! It's really quite impressive. Personally, I really enjoy watching college football! But, only if it's my team! I just can't invest myself into any other game. I know the rules, and can follow along just fine. However, unlike my sweet husband, I cannot watch 3 back to back games every single day.
We've really worked out a great compromise regarding the amount of ESPN watching that goes on in our house. In case you're curious, Blake can completely guilt free watch as much football as he wants as long as he does all the laundry & ironing while he's watching. It's pretty ideal for me! 
So if you're counting he is watching like at least 6 hours of football on Sundays, not including College games and Monday nights...crazy, no?
That leaves me pretty much to myself on Sundays. That would have bothered me a lot more if we had not struck our compromise. I can totally live with it if he accomplishes something I so dread doing. 
Here is a list of 20 things you can do while your man is watching football that I so intend to do this fall!

one// Watch with him. 
While it's super hard for me to get interested in teams I'm not rooting for, I know Blake loves it when I watch with him. So, every once in awhile I'll plop down on the couch next to him and fake it till I make it. 

two// Blog! 
It's the perfect time to write up a post or respond to comments! Or, rewrite your About Me page...add a new widget...there are so many things!

three// Call your Mom
She'll love it! It's a great time to catch up with your Mom or even your Grandma. I know my dad is just as busy watching football too, so my mom probably appreciates the entertainment.

four// Give Yourself a Manicure or Pedicure. 
I think Sunday is the best time to paint your nails anyway! You'll always have a fresh color for the week. Plus if he's wrapped up in a game you'll have plenty of time to let your nails dry. 

five// Read a Book
I love to read and often get swept up in the story so much so that I don't want to put the book down. It's the perfect opportunity to hang out on the couch and read with no guilt! 

six// Clean Out a Junk Drawer
Everyone has one. or two! We have a junk drawer in the kitchen that I've been avoiding, and you probably do too! 

seven// Plan Your Week
I love my Lilly agenda and getting everything organized by using it! What better day than Sunday to plan out your week? I like to write down our meal plan, my exercise goals and even my blog posts. Color code for bonus points! 

eight// Clean Out your Purse
Our purses become a junk drawer of their own. Cleaning it out on the regular prevents a disaster of a bag! You know you've got a bunch of gum wrappers and receipts in there. 

nine// Watch Pug Videos on Youtube

Here is one to get you started!
ten// Do Your Eyebrows 
I don't wax my eyebrows very often, so I always need to tweeze! 

eleven// Work Out!
Probably the hardest one to feel motivated to do...but the one you'll feel the best about! 

twelve// Take Your Dog for a Walk
Exercise for both you and your sweet doggy. He or She will love the attention! Although if you have a pug like me you won't be walking very far before they are over it. 

thirteen// Knit or Crochet
One thing I constantly give up learning to do is crochet! It would be the perfect thing to do while your husband is watching football because you can still be with him while entertaining yourself. 

fourteen// Watch a Really Girly Show
Assuming you have another tv, or can watch on your phone/tablet. This a perfect opportunity to watch something he has no interest in! Think Gilmore Girls or something like that.

fifteen// Play The Sims
Ok guilty pleasure here. I love playing The Sims and designing houses on there. I can literally play for hours and time escapes me every time. 

sixteen// Pinterest Project
You know you have a Pinterest board full of DIY's that you've never done! I know I do. I've even posted about a few DIYs. Here is a great opportunity to accomplish one of the projects you pinned! 

seventeen// Unfollow
Take your free time to go through your phone contacts, Facebook friends, or Instagram roll to see who you don't mind purging. It's also a good time to go through your pictures too and delete duplicates or random food pictures you've already posted. 

eighteen// Bubble Bath
I didn't even know how much I loved baths until recently. Bonus points if you use bath bombs, salts or bubbles. Throw on a face mask too! 

nineteen// Make a New Playlist
I've shared several of my playlists! Spend some time browsing your own music library or listen to something new! Looks like I need to make my Fall playlist so that's something I will definitely work on next Sunday. 

twenty// Invite Your Friend Over!
I love to invite another couple or two over for a game! We let the guys bond watching the game, while the girls hang out on the back porch drinking wine. It's really the perfect compromise. 

Leave me a comment: How much football does your hubby watch? How do you feel about it? What do you usually do if you don't like watching with him? 


  1. Hahaha! I love football so I don't mind.
    But baseball?? And golf?? Blech!

  2. If you ever want help with crocheting just let me know. I don't sit still well even when watching a show I'm interested in. So crocheting gives me something to do.



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner