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DIY Powdered Laundry Detergent Recipe

Monday, August 13, 2018

DIY Powdered Laundry Detergent Recipe

I first shared this recipe almost 5 years ago when I first started blogging, on a different blog. I had to go back through the archives to find it and that was a blast from the past! It's really cool to see how much my blogging style has changed. 

Anyway! This summer I really started reexamining our budget and looking for ways to cut back here and there. It dawned on me that I used to make my own laundry soap years ago and I can't believe I stopped. I think it was a combination of convenience and missing a stronger scent in my laundry. (I've fixed that though!) 

I whipped up a fresh batch, and thought I'd share the recipe with you today. It's really simple to do and I've been loving my updated recipe. I'm also loving the savings! For the past year or so I've consistently bought Method's Ginger Mango liquid detergent. It's $14.99 on Grove and each bottle does 66 loads, which lasts me about 6 weeks. (11 loads a week! I was thinking that sounds kinda high, but we do at least 4 loads of clothes, we change our sheets once a week so that's 2-3 loads of linens, and towels, throw blankets, dog beds, cleaning adds up!) 

This DIY powdered detergent cost me $26.73 and it will last me over a year! I was able to find all of my ingredients at Walmart, but I will link some sources as well. Amazon's prices on this stuff is crazy, so definitely shop local first! 

DIY Powder Laundry Detergent Recipe

Here is what you do:
Mix the following together:
1 4 lb box Borax ($4.47 at my Walmart)
1 3.7 lb box Washing Soda  ($3.97 at my Walmart)
2 bars Fels-Naptha or Zote Soap, grated (I bought already grated Zote from my Walmart for $2.38)
1 3 lb tub Oxiclean (Optional) ($6.92 from my Walmart)
Scent Booster (Optional) ($8.99 from my Publix)
Use 1-2 tablespoons per load!
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DIY Powder Laundry Detergent Recipe

I ended up using the same Method scent in this recipe and it was the perfect compromise! It still smells great, but it's much more affordable.

A few tips:
- I suggest mixing the ingredients in a trash bag, shaking well to combine and then pouring it into your desired container. 
- Alternatively you can layer the ingredients and mix as you go. 
- I bought a glass container similar to this one at Walmart. I believe it was $17. 
- I have a HE high capacity washer without an agitator. I use 2 tablespoons per load because I can fit a lot in one load. For smaller loads of just a few things I use 1 tablespoon. If you have a smaller capacity washer 1 tablespoon should suffice. 
- Keep in mind that the Oxiclean is optional. The rest of the ingredients will still get your clothes clean, but I like the boost in whitening. 
- The scent is also optional. Without it, your clothes will just smell clean. Not including the scent will make this ideal for people with fragrance sensitivity. 

Okay, guys, leave me a comment below! Are you going to try it out?! Have you made your own detergent? Leave any tips you have! How do you feel about doing laundry? Is it your favorite or least favorite chore?


  1. One year at my old job a coworker made us homemade detergent as a Christmas gift. It was the BEST smelling detergent EVER. I loved it. She sent a recipe along with it to make our own. I wonder how it compares to your recipe.... I might have to try this if I can find some c.f. ingredients!!

  2. You are so good at finding creative ways to save money! I'm so glad you can teach me your ways through the blog!

    1. Thank you Gentry! I try to make it painless. No need to extreme coupon!

  3. This is so creative and I love that you did this! To be honest, It's probably my least favorite and I am constantly pushing it off on my husband. I think it also has to do with our laundry room being down in the basement and it's just not an easy location. Maybe one day I'll have better laundry habits lol. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you Sierra! I totally understand about the laundry room location. Our laundry room is in our backyard shed. I love the idea of folding laundry straight out of the dryer but I'm usually in a hurry to get back inside. I do take the pugs out back a few times a day anyway, so it doesn't hurt to switch a load while I'm waiting on them. There are always pros and cons!

  4. amazing, this too good, we can save with this formula, thank you very much,

  5. this sounds like a great way to save money!

    1. It really is! 1 Tablespoon a load means this lasts for months and months!

  6. Omg, I HAVE to make this. We do an insane amount of laundry (thank you, potty training and messy eaters....also your post reminded me I should wash our linens more, haha) so this is a BRILLIANT way to save money!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pinned this, too!

  7. Totally filing this away for later!! Thanks so much for putting this together.

    Katherine |

  8. I love how you DIY so many cleaning products!! Such a great idea, I wonder how many loads I get out of my detergent. Hmmmmmm



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner