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August Goals

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

July Report
Choose a new Bible reading schedule and start it. Check! I decided on a chronological schedule. I think this will be really cool, especially when I get to reading about David's activities, and then flipping over to the Psalms where he writes his feelings about those different situations. 

I am using this schedule, but tailored it to me. That schedule is meant to be done in a year, which is not something I'm planning on doing. In the past when I tried to read the Bible in a year, I was flying through things just to get it done. I wrote down a copy of the order in the back of my planner and I'm highlighting them as I go. 

Run 25 miles this month. Check! I think. I did a bad job of recording this, but I'm fairly confident I did it. This was the first month I've done Orangetheory and there is a ton of running in those classes as well, so I think I'm covered.

Sell bag of gently used clothing. Working on it! I took a large box of clothing to Sandy's in Gainesville-which is my favorite consignment shop! They took pretty much everything. I listed the rest of the clothes on Poshmark, and I gave some things away. You can check out my closet here, and if you are a new member you can use my invite code: KESWOOLSEY to get a $5 coupon to use. Be careful! Poshmark is addictive. 

Start recording gratitude list. Check! I love this so much, and I'm so glad I started doing it. I just write a few words or a short sentence about something good that happened that day or something I'm feeling particularly grateful for.

Call Mindy. Check! I spent a solid two hours on the phone with her earlier in the month. I ended up calling her on my way home and she was at a cleaning job so I talked to her on speaker phone. She had to mute the phone while she vacuumed, but I kept talking, haha. That's exactly what I meant about being busy-we had to literally make it happen! But it was such a refreshing conversation and we always end up building each other up. Friendships in different time zones are so hard! I miss her so much. 

Not a bad July! I really loved sharing these goals because it made me feel like I really had to get this list done. 

August Goals
Drink More Water. The amount of water I actually drink is probably shameful. I do drink a lot of unsweetened tea, which makes me feel like at least I'm hydrating a little bit. My goal for this month is just to increase my daily water intake. I doubt it'll be my full 8 glasses, but I have got to improve on this! One way I plan on doing this is by only ordering water at restaurants. 

Make DIY Laundry Detergent. I've been working on our budget a lot in the last month, and I'm looking for ways to cut back here and there. I used to faithfully make our own laundry detergent, but I got out of the habit. It worked well, and it lasted for well over a year! I'm currently using up the last of my Method detergent-which is about $12.99 with my Grove shipment. Making my own detergent will save us well over $100 a year. Look for the recipe coming soon!

Trim Bushes. Our yard is currently a jungle. Not only are we having to cut the grass every week right now, but our hedges are growing at an astonishing rate! I've got a request in with a friend of ours to have them removed permanently, but he has a lot of work. In the meantime, our hedge trimmer motor broke-and we have been having an interesting time with the warranty. Somehow someway, I'm going to get those things taken care of this month. 

Finish All The Light We Cannot See. Have you ever read a book that everyone else liked, but you just cannot get into? That's me with All The Light We Cannot See. I started it right after The Nightingale, so I thought it was just too heavy of a book after that. I put it down for a while, and then tried to get into it again. It's not working. But, it kills me to have paid for a book that I didn't give my all and finish. I am determined to get this book read in August! (Follow me on Goodreads!)

Add An Additional Day of Exercise. I'm loving Orangetheory right now! My membership has me at 2 classes per week, and I would really like to add an additional day of something else besides running. (It's just too hot to run. The Florida humidity will slow you down like no other.) 

Leave a comment below with what you are going to work on in August! How'd you do with your goals in July? Let me know if you have any good tips for drinking more water! I'd also love to know how often you give up on a book, or if you make yourself finish it.


  1. You are so organised, it is really impressive! I am fascinated by the 'crazy lady' entry on your gratitude list though haha! Making your own laundry detergent is no mean feat - well done! I know some people use soap nuts but I have no idea how to home make it from scratch. Once tried WW vinegar as a softener - OK to soften but not in terms of smell... Looking forward to reading about this - hope you are having a great week so far xx

    1. Haha, that crazy lady totally made my day. It's a long story!
      I've got the laundry detergent recipe coming up so stay tuned! I've heard of soap nuts too, but I've never tried them. I'm curious but doubtful!

  2. You did so good with your July list! I can't wait to see your recipe for your laundry detergent. We switched to Seventh Generation and I really like it but think making your own is a great way to save money but also make sure nothing harmful is sneaking its way in there.

    1. Seventh Generation is a great brand. I totally agree! If you can make your own, why not!? Stay tuned!

  3. Great job with your goals for July! I love the bible reading schedule. I need to check out Poshmark. There are so many things I could probably try to sell. Looking forward to hearing about your laundry detergent. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you Sierra! I'm proud of my July.
      Test the waters on Poshmark! I know a lot of people make some serious extra cash that way. I've found name brands and recent styles do really well there. And some of my favorite clothes came from other sellers!

  4. I am so impressed you hit all your goals! I am also trying to drink more water and I agree about All the Light We Cannot See. I thought it was ok.

    1. Thank you Jessica! I'm fired up after completing all my July goals. I think that's why it's important to make them all doable!
      Let me know how you are getting more water in your routine!

  5. I feel like the ending in all the light we cannot see was super sad, realistic but sad, so if you don't like it by now... you may not ever! also, I am pretty sure I need to write a gratitude journal. good idea!

    1. You hit the nail on the head! It's so sad and slow. =[
      And you should! It's easy to write one quick thought of things you are grateful for. Sometimes it comes to me right away, and other times I have to search for something to write-which is a good practice in itself.

  6. fun post! making your own laundry detergent sounds fun!

  7. GREAT job with your goals! I love spending time on the phone with my bff. Usually we're doing it on a slow work day or late at night, but we definitely make the time! :D

    1. Thank you, thank you! I'm so glad I made that a goal last month, it really made me conscience of calling her!

  8. Love this post! I love that you were successful at your July goals! If you do the laundry detergent, I hope you'll make a post sharing how you did it. Ironically enough, I just shared your DIY produce cleaner with my coworker today and she's so excited to try it!

    Felicity |

    1. Yay! Felicity that makes me so happy! I'm so glad you shared my recipe!! I love sharing things I've found, and when other people appreciate that it's so fulfilling!
      The laundry detergent recipe is coming! I just whipped up a batch.

  9. Woo! I love Orangetheory—I'd be curious to track how much I run in a month in class! Great job setting your goals and sticking to them!

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

    1. I'm going to try to make an effort to track the mileage! It's hard when you are concentrating on your speed and how many seconds you have left, but the miles do add up! In certain classes that is. Sometimes we don't run all that much.
      Thank you Katie!


  10. Great, it would be better if we always set ourselves new goals. I have just finished my goals in this August

  11. Oh wow, I can't imagine reading the whole bible in just a YEAR! I just started reading for the first time ever. I am reading together with a blog friend and we're just finishing up Proverbs which has taken just over a month.
    I love that you started a gratitude list and I am so interested in the part that says "crazy lady" LOL!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner