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Scenes from New York City!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Since I have well over 500 pictures of our recent trip to New York, I thought I'd share our first and last day in the city. Sandwiched between our days in NYC we spent time all around New York and New Jersey! 

We arrived in New York City at 8 am after a 2 hour flight and an hour drive to the airport. (So yeah, we woke up at 2 am that day!) Determined to get the most of our day we popped into a cramped french bakery in Queens for breakfast and then we headed to Battery Park. We went with our good friends Laura and Damon and her girls Bradley and Callie. I swear, just watching those girls have a good time was enough for me! 

After exploring Battery Park, we took a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. There were SO many people! My favorite part, by far, was watching everyone try to get a good photo with the Statue of Liberty. People were laying on the ground and contorting their bodies every which way to get the shot! It was great. 

Ellis Island was very interesting! The building itself was fascinating, and the stories it had to tell were amazing. Life used to be very hard for people, and it really wasn't all that long ago. You do have to pay to research your own family. My mom let me know that our family didn't come to America through Ellis Island so I knew that ahead of time. One day I'd like to do a big research project about that!

Callie has an extensive 'stuffie' collection, and when she tells you their names you'd better remember, because there will be a test!

These girls had at least 3,000 more steps than us at the end of the day...

Since we were flying out of JFK we spent our last day in the city as well. The majority of our day was spent at The MET! We did a tour, but I swear we only saw 5% of what that museum had to offer. You could get lost in there for days. 

After our tour we walked through Central Park, which was something I'd never done. It's huge! People watching is one of my top ten favorite activities, so I fully enjoyed that aspect. After a trip to Bethesda fountain and an ice cream cone, we had to get back to the airport.  

This last picture that Laura snapped is so funny to me, because it shows how badly we didn't want to leave our friends! We don't get to see each other nearly enough, and we always have so much to say! They are constantly trying to get us to move up there, and I think they had me almost convinced in this conversation. 

The thing is, we were there in June...but our last trip to NYC was in March, and it was the coldest I have ever been in my life. I'm a Florida girl...I really don't think I can live in that! 

Gosh, I have so much more to share, but I think I will leave it at that. Most importantly we left feeling refreshed and motivated! And we are still friends! Everyone has such a different traveling style, so it's awesome that everything worked out so well on this trip! My favorite thing by far was watching these girls take their first airplane ride. So much joy! I really wish adults still got excited like that.

We've been planning this trip for at least a year, so I can't believe it's over. We had a great time, and really made the most of our days. And coming home to excited pugs was really nice too! 


  1. It really was an amazing trip. I’m so happy we got to share this experience! Xoxo

  2. And Callie will be thrilled that the stuffies were included 😁

  3. Wow! Looks like an amazing trip! I would love to visit NYC one day :)

    1. Put it on your bucket list! It's not a place I'd like to live, but visiting is so much fun! There is a billion things to do.

  4. It sounds Ike you had a wonderful trip! I always love going to NYC, there’s so much to see and do! I’ve always wanted to go to the Statue of Liberty, it sounds like a must see next time I’m there! xAllie

    1. There really is so much to do. You could go back a bunch of time and do a completely different itinerary. The Statue of Liberty was really neat, just so stinkin' crowded. I highly recommend a weekday!

  5. Oh I loved seeing your photos! Love your outfit and especially the tee - it ticks all the boxes - Rl, navy, striped :)) NY is just one of the best places in the world and you fit so much in with your lovely family (the stuffies photo was so cute). You all looked like you had such a great time. It sounded so like my 24 hours (only 24) in NY - the Met, a bakery, Grand Central - isn't that station something?! Loved the story too about the 'contorted tourists' - I'll have to try something crazy like that next time I go.

    1. Thank you! That has a been a go-to outfit for me lately! I feel very much myself in it!
      We did have a great time! You can hit a lot of places in a day. I really regret not taking a picture of the people taking pictures haha!

  6. What a fun trip! Your Statue of Liberty pictures are perfect! I love the selfie one with all of you!!
    Ellis Island is SO cool. I love that you can *feel* the history in that building as soon as you walk into it. I don't think any of my family came here through the island either, but that landmark is such an important reminder as to how almost all of us ended up in this country one way or another.
    Glad you had a fun trip!!

    1. The selfie is my favorite too!
      I absolutely agree, the history was very tangible! I was thinking if I moved from another country, hoping to start a new life-entering into that building would feel reassuring. It's so grand! The reality they'd face a little later would be intense though...

  7. Looks like you guys had such a fun trip! I love NYC but haven't been in years!! These pictures are making me want to go back!

    Katherine |

    1. We did have a fun trip! With so much to see and do, you will have to plan another trip!

  8. What a great trip!! I have to laugh because March it's usually starting to warm up around here so don't ever visit in January or February then lol. Ellis Island is so interesting to see. My grandfather's name is on the wall there. I'm glad you had a nice visit!
    Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Haha! When we went in March 2013 I was seriously the coldest I have ever been! The wind got stuck between the buildings and my ears seriously felt like they were going to fall off!
      I know it probably wasn't as cold outside of the city. Fortunately we stayed with family friends in NJ and she lent me a real coat. Mine wasn't going to cut it!
      I really wish I had packed another sweater this time, I could have used it! My cousin lent me hers one night, and then it warmed up the next few days. I just wasn't expecting it! I can do cold, I just need to be prepared!

  9. Awwwww!!! How sweet you got to go visit such wonderful friends!!! Next time you're up there, we have to meet up! I'm just outside Philly, so NJ is basically my backyard ;)

    1. Oh wow! I didn't realize that!
      It seems like there are several states that are really close to each other in that area. I'm not used to that!

  10. nyc is such a great trip... and coming home to happy pets is the best feeling!!

  11. Looks like a great trip!! I've been to NYC twice and still haven't taken the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. Guess I need to make a third trip.

  12. LOLing so hard from your description of people trying to get pictures with the Statue of Liberty! Anything for a good selfie for IG, right?! Hilarious! We are hopefully going to NYC in November and I cannot wait! It's one of my favorite cities on Earth.

  13. Ohhh what a fun time! I LOOOVE NYC. I've only been a handful of times and would love to spend more time exploring, as all of my trips have been brief - only two days each or so.
    I love that people were contorting themselves to try and get a good picture. HA!

  14. What a fun trip!! NYC never disappoints!! OMG, I can imagine all the tourists trying to get that perfect picture!! I've actually never been to Ellis Island, I should do that next time I'm home!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner