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Three Netflix Shows You Should Be Watching

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee
Jerry Seinfeld is so hilarious. I appreciate his cleaner sense of humor, and that he is so relatable! In this show, he picks out a cool vintage car, picks up various other comedians and takes them out for coffee. It's like a talk show, but I feel like you really get the sense of who these people are in real life. Plus they are all really funny people! If you don't watch any other episodes, watch the one with Steve Harvey! 

Nailed It
Fun fact: My husband and I LOVE cooking competition shows! We randomly clicked on Nailed It a few weeks ago and we found it hysterical. The bakers are normal everyday people and they have to try to recreate a professional's dessert. The end results will bring tears to your eyes-it's just too funny. If you don't watch any other episode, just watch #3!

Lost In Space
I didn't even realize this was in the works until I saw it featured on Netflix's main headline. Blake told me it was a tv show way back when, but I only remembered the terrible Matt Leblanc remake in the 00's. Anyway, this is SO well done. It's exciting and visually really cool. We almost watched the whole thing in one sitting! It was a super rainy day on Sunday, and all our plans had been cancelled. You don't get that luxury often! Episode one is stellar, and you do not have to like sci-fi to enjoy this show either. 

Leave a comment below if you've been watching these shows too! What is your number one recommendation lately?


  1. I love Comedians in Cars getting coffee! All of the episodes are really great, but Larry David might be my favorite. I can’t wait to watch Lost in Soace this weekend, xAllie

    1. We aren't done watching it yet, but I will have to skip ahead to Larry David!

  2. I'll have to add these to my list. Nailed it looks so funny! Cooking shows are great. It's something my sister and I watch when we get together. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

    1. We love cooking shows so much! It's fun to pretend like you could actually qualify to compete haha.

  3. Now I'm gonna have about 20 shows on my list to watch, haha! Nailed It looks awesome! I definitely need to watch it ASAP. Thanks for sharing!

    Felicity |

  4. I need to check out Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. That sounds so funny!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing — I am in dire need of a new Netflix binge!

    1. I am always happy when other people share their good finds, so I thought I'd pass mine along!

  6. I'm obsessed with cooking shows - I love that they're on Netflix!!

    1. Me too! There are a lot to choose from.
      Chopped is by far my favorite though!

  7. I LOVE Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I can only watch it in the morning because it makes me crave all the coffee.

    1. That's so funny! They do have lots of slo-mo coffee camera shots! I think that would be rather tempting to someone who loved it!

  8. Definitely going to check out Comedians in Cars - really need a new programme, I'm finding good comedies quite hard to find. Started watching Bosch last week as the last few series have been great but I actually fell asleep during the first episode last week. I need to watch it again - as I'm sure it will be as fab as the last series!

    1. I totally agree, good shows are hard to come by!
      You made me laugh because I'm ALWAYS falling asleep watching tv!

  9. Last time we flew K downloaded all the Comedians/Coffee videos for the flight. He loved them! We need to check out Nailed It. We looooove Food Network and the competition shows so I feel like we'd love it!

    1. Yes, you would! I'm glad we aren't the only ones who love those shows! I actually think a food competition show would be a really fun date night or small party!

  10. I love Comedians in Cars!! We were also just watching Carpool Karaoke too and that one's great!

    Katherine |

    1. Oh good idea! I've seen a few clips of Carpool Karaoke on Youtube, but I'd love to watch more! It's so fun!

  11. I really enjoy Comedians in Cars and we flew threw Nailed It! I need more episodes of that right away.

    1. I hope they make another season!! We loved it and seriously haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

  12. That cooking show sounds so fun! I could possibly let my middle school kids watch that one!


  13. Ooh my fiancé is actually obsessed with Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee! I think that show is a great idea too. I love seeing what types of cool vintage cars Jerry Seinfeld has up his sleeves. Never heard of the other shows, so I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner