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Friday Five+

Friday, January 19, 2018

one// Konmari Sock Drawer
I used the Konmari folding technique on our t-shirts ages ago. Seriously it's amazing and our shirts stay perfectly filed. I hadn't tried to fold any other clothing that way, since it didn't really see a need to. (I only own like 2 pairs of jeans so they never get disorganized...etc) 

Well, I bought Blake a bunch of new dress socks. Did you know Walmart now carries a line of Happy Socks?! I couldn't resist. When I went to put away the freshly laundered ones, I was sort of appalled at his sock drawer. Even the Ikea organizers I had in there weren't really doing anything. So I watched a tutorial on Youtube and the results are so great! He LOVED it. They've stayed nice and neat even after pulling out socks and putting clean ones back in. 

two// My First Sleepover
Well, not mine. But the first time I had both my older niece and nephew sleepover here. Carter has stayed with me before, but Gia hasn't. Gia spent the whole day with us, and Carter came over later and sweet talked his mom into letting him stay too.

We let Blake have our room to himself, and I slept with the kids in our guest room. There was a lot of "he's touching me!!" and things like that but we settled in and both kids did fine. They were up at the crack of dawn but I figured that was coming. We had a blast. Carter flung waffle mix all over me when we were making breakfast. He got in trouble for it but I couldn't stop laughing. #I'd Be A Terrible Parent. When they went home Blake and I definitely took a nap.

three// Another Failed Outfit Chronicle
I did so great documenting my outfits in November. After taking basically all of December off of blogging, I wanted to start up again in January with outfit pictures. Well, I only have one, haha. So here ya go. I actually really love this one.

four// Apps You Need To Download
  HQ Trivia (Unreleased)- screenshot thumbnail
I love me some trivia! Both Blake and I have been obsessed with this game. It's 12 questions, and you have to get them all correct to win the money, which is then split up between the winners. We've only made it to question 6 or 7, but it's still fun to try!

  Think Dirty- screenshot thumbnail

This is a product scanner that helps you determine the toxicity of what you want to buy. It rates items up to 10, 10 being the most toxic. Yeah, the shampoo I've been using is a 10. I'm actively looking for a new one! It's incredibly eye opening. There are many baby products, and products that say they are for sensitive skin that rate very badly.

If you want a good laugh download the Google Arts & Culture app. You can upload a selfie and it will find a famous painting with your doppleganger. My results were pretty unremarkable, but SO many of my friends are getting hysterical results!! 

   1 Second Everyday: Video Diary- screenshot

I tried this a few years ago and didn't finish my project. I'm very happy to say I'm doing much better with it this time! The push notifications really help. Basically you add a 1 second video or photo to each day, and at the end of the year (or years) you make a compilation video. I'm so excited to see my year! I did a memory jar in 2015 which we loved, but I didn't like the physical clutter it made. So this is the perfect alternative to momentos. 

My favorite clip so far will be from this day: It snowed in Florida!! It only lasted a few minutes, but it was real snow. 

five// Mother Daughter Girl's Day
My mom and her 2 bffs got a little girl's day together for all of us. First we went to see Wonder. Hilariously my mom had bought tickets for the day before....but thankfully the nice man at AMC helped us get in. We had to sit in the front row, but hey it was a good movie. Then we all went to get pedicures. I rarely go to get my nails done, so that was a treat. Then we went out for sushi! After dinner we went back to Heidi's house for wine and a few rounds of Heads Up. My chest was burning with laughter, and it even hurt the next day!

Huge LOL that my mom and I both showed up in pink button downs with navy sweaters over them...Totally turning into her. 

bonus #6 // Victoria
Victoria, season 2, arrived Stateside this week! I love this show. It's so sweet, and so far nothing objectionable has popped up in it-so I feel good about recommending it. I got my mom hooked on it. You can watch all of season 1 on Amazon Prime. It's a super interesting time in history! 

Have a great weekend!


  1. That Google App cracked me up! I need to try that trivia one. I love trivia!

  2. What a fun week you had! You and your mom are adorable & I bet your niece and nephew had a blast with you!

  3. I can't believe it snowed there! That's crazy!! So this whole Konmari thing - I definitely need to get my t-shirt drawer more organized but what if it's a deep drawer, feel like I won't get max usage out of it?!? You and your mom are soo cute!!

    1. Isn't it crazy!? Schools and government buildings literally shut down for the day because Floridians have no idea what to do when it gets cold.

      I think part of the fun with the folding is messing around with it until you figure out maximum efficiency for you. Personally, I love it! You can see all of your shirts, not just the ones on the top of the typical stack.

  4. I want to start watching Victoria!
    When I spend ample amounts of time with children I am SO exhausted. Haha. My cousins have stayed with us before (they were 8 and 12) and it was insanely tiring.

    1. It is exhausting! Mainly because you can't take your eyes off of them. I'm used to just shutting my brain off in the evenings and that does not work when you've got kiddos around!

  5. I really really really x a million need to read that book about organizing. I've heard people talk about it for years, and everyone says it's life changing! My t-shirt drawer could use an overhaul, so the beginning of this post got me all intrigued!

    1. Honestly, I haven't read it! But, I have read about it.
      It boils down to only keeping things that make you happy or serve a purpose. Which really makes sense to me! She does have a great folding technique that you can watch on Youtube for a tutorial. I will never fold my t-shirts another way!

  6. That is such a good way to organize socks! I read her book but never really applied the storage techniques to my life. I need to rethink that!

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

  7. Ooow I need to try that 1 second everyday thing!!

  8. Oh my gosh that sock drawer is amazing! I am running to youtube to learn how to do that right now!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner