My photography experience is basically limited to this blog. (I did do one of my best friends a favor and take her family pictures a few years ago.) But, my mom asked me to take a few pictures of Cameron for his graduation announcement and party.
I have never been more nervous! I can't imagine if it had been a paying customer. I'd be dead! Posing guys could not be more difficult. My research ahead of time for locations and ideas only had girls as the subjects. Beautiful pictures, but my brother can't lie down on a fountain and look quite the same... Honestly, girls look good just standing there. Guys look pretty goofy.
To make matters more stressful, I asked Cameron if he had any ideas that he'd like to try. He had a great list of locations, but then he showed me a photoshoot one of his classmates had just posted. These pictures were STUNNING. I knew I couldn't do that. I tried to be confident, but I had to tell him to lower his expectations a bit.
One more stressor was that we weren't the only ones on campus trying to get our photos done. The first location we tried had a LINE of people and their photographers waiting to stand in front of the famous fountain. Whole sororities were out taking pictures with their graduates. That's what we get for doing this a week ahead of time I guess.
The next location was vacant, and we took our time there. But I knew we wanted some shots in more iconic FSU places, so we wound up standing in one of those lines. I was pretty self conscious, even though I wasn't the one in the big tent of a gown! There were actual professional photographers in front of and behind us. People who legitimately knew what they were doing and how to direct their subjects...haha!
It was all in my head. I made friends with the photographer ahead of me, and realized everyone was really relaxed about these lines of people. In fact, no one seemed to be paying attention to any of the other groups. Everyone was just drinking their 'prop' champagne with their friends. I was able to relax a bit after that, but I wasn't fully relieved until I was able to get on the computer and make sure my lens cap wasn't on the whole time or something!
We got a few really nice shots, so I thought I'd share. Especially if you plan on taking any pictures like this, or need inspiration for how to pose guys!
Okay, so I wasn't really sobbing during this photoshoot, as much as I was sweating. (Gotta love that Florida heat.) Not only was I incredibly nervous, I simply cannot believe my little, baby, brother is graduating college! I was 6 when he was born, so I can remember his whole life vividly. There is no way he is about to be 21, and going to be called Mr. by his students!
Leave a comment below if you refuse to acknowledge your younger siblings are getting older! ('cause that means you're getting older too!) I'd love to hear from my fellow bloggers about your confidence in your photography skills. Taking a picture of a product is so much easier than people right!?
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Congrats to your brother! I graduated from FSU in 2012...Go 'Noles! Your photos look great. :)