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Weekly Diary #7.2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021

It's basically summer! As much as I love fall and winter fashion, give me all the sunshine! I feel like I come alive when the time changes and I get Vitamin D straight from the sky. We haven't been to the beach yet, but we have been able to go out boating and I've really been enjoying reading outside with the pugs. They love it too! 

Last week, my sister and I had a crazy experience! We were driving home on I-10 when cop after cop flew by us. We even noticed as we passed an exit that the police were not letting anyone else on the interstate. Shortly we caught up with what was going on. There had been a high speed chase just minutes ahead of us that resulted in the person abandoning their car and hoping the fence into the woods. We were about 10 cars back from the police blockade. There were 2 helicopters circling and more police cars than we could count. It was really exciting at first, but then the reality that the person could circle back out onto the road and there could have been a shoot out right in front of us sobered the experience. Especially with my 3 year old nephew in the car. We decided to wait it out even though a lot of cars were turning around. We waited for about 20 minutes and finally were allowed to pass slowly by in one lane. I have never seen so many guns! 

We found out later it was a murder suspect, so that made it even more crazy. They did catch them eventually, but I wasn't able to find out any more details. Where the person ran was THICK woods, so the mosquitos were going to push him out eventually if the dogs didn't find him first. 

Just had to share this fun picture with my niece Gia. She is 7 and SO much fun. We took a bunch of selfies while watching the Oscars. Normally, we have a girls night tradition to watch the Oscars and comment on all the clothes, but it was just us as a family this year. But, it was super fun to include Gia and find out which dresses she liked best. 

I wanted to share 2 fun gift ideas incase you need some inspiration! My friend Mindy lives 1600 miles away so we like to send each other little surprises now and then. She sent me a fantastic spa gift box from Etsy when I had a lot going on last month and it was full of the best stuff! A great gift to send to your mom or girlfriend. The best part is the lavender eye pillow. I use it all the time and it smells like heaven. It was really handy when my arm was so sore from our vaccine. 

In return, I put together a Box of Sunshine for her! This is SO easy to do and makes a big statement. You can fill it with basically anything-just as long as it's yellow. The dollar store has lots of candy options so you can do it affordably. I also picked up a couple of things from TJ Maxx and Walmart. 
In her box: Lemon ginger tea, Vitamin C facemask, Yellow eye pillow (I found that at TJ Maxx and snatched it up since I loved the one she got me so much!), a cup I had in my Cricut stash, tons of candy like M&Ms and Lemonheads, a pair of earrings, a Burt's Bees gift set, a BBW lemon hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes...and a card that had a big sun on it. 

If you are going to do this, I highly recommend a flat rate box from the post office because it can get pricey to ship! I filled mine with yellow crinkle paper, but you could line the box with construction paper or yellow tissue paper. 

I really should take pictures of my manicure of the week! If I don't have my fingernails painted, I chew my nails-so I generally try to keep them done. Plus it's an easy way to keep from snacking while watching tv, ya know?

Here are two really fun ones I did in the past couple of weeks:
This is Holidaze from Color Street. My sister in law sells these nail strips and they are a really fun way to mix it up. 

I LOVED this manicure! These are Dashing Diva nail strips. I think I've said this before but DD is a thicker nail strip than Color Street, but I like both! They are just slightly different. Color Street doesn't do mixed up patterns, but Dashing Diva has some sets with solids and patterns. Anyways, thought this set was just so cute and fun!

Etsy is rocking and rolling! I am really glad I took a month off, because I feel reenergized with it. I've had a lot of orders offline too, which is really nice because I don't have to pay Etsy fees and it's usually a little less pressure to get things done by a certain date. 

Right now I've been experimenting with different office set ups. The first step of which is decluttering and simplifying what I have. But, as I mentioned in a previous post I have a new position at work-which required a 2nd I'm running out of surfaces! Hoping to figure all that out and make it the most functional it can be. 

A few recent shop listings:

Our office is totally vaccinated! This was a really exciting milestone. We've all had very little contact with each other and some of us were entirely remote. Now that everyone is vaccinated we had a company lunch and it was so exciting! Feels silly to be excited about a work lunch, but it was just so nice to be out to lunch and with people! Plus it was a glorious day to sit outside. We snapped a picture with all the girls...the guys couldn't be bothered of course.

Leave a comment below and tell me how your week is going! Are you a summer or winter person? Do you keep your nails painted or go natural on your nails? What's making you excited!? 

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner