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Life Lately #9

Friday, April 24, 2020

I took this photo at Lowes the other day, isn't it gorgeous?
Truthfully, not a lot. On the days when I watch a lot of tv, I don't end up feeling great about the way I spent the day. We have been watching a movie in the evenings though, even though I usually fall asleep. I finally watched Little Women, and it was good, just a little slow. And, we actually watched the newer Jumanji movie recently and we were dying laughing. Definitely missed that when it came out. If you haven't seen it yet, watch Yesterday. It's so cute and the music is awesome!
If I'm not listening to an audiobook, I've usually got the record player on! It's so relaxing to have music floating throughout the house. We love listening to Billy Joel, The Beatles or other older music while we make dinner. A lot of modern band/musicians are releasing music on vinyl now, so we have some new music too. But there is just something about oldies.

I am trying to do a lot of things at the moment. I'm trying to remain positive and productive even though our lives are kind of topsy turvy. I'm trying to keep our house clean even though we can't stop doing dishes all day and we still have a lot of laundry. I'm trying to keep our kitchen fully stocked to stay out of the grocery store, but that doesn't seem to happen. Just trying to hang in there!

Lots!! I was in a slump, but finally got out of it and now I'm tearing through books. I have a Recent Reads post going up on Monday, but since I finished that I have read The Silent Patient and In Five Years. Loved In Five Years, Silent Patient was good/not my fave. 

This adorable cross stitch!! Our wonderful family friend did this family portrait of Blake and I and the pugs for our anniversary. It's so precious and I love looking at it. 

I am wishing I had something to look forward to, event wise. Usually we are very busy this time of year and we always have a lot planned in the summer. Everything we had planned is cancelled. It's so surreal and hard to get used to. I'm used to having something coming, and it's very disorienting and depressing for me not to. 

One of the blessings that has come out of our shelter in place lifestyle has been the home cooked meals! I love cooking, but it's been nice to be forced into it. I've tried to be creative with my meal plans and even tried recreating restaurant meals we can't get. For example, we made the chicken and gnocchi soup from Olive Garden and it was fantastic!! 10/10. In the photo above, we made greek rice bowls! So yummy. 

Aside from the essentials, not much! I did need some makeup recently, and decided to turn into my mom and order from Mary Kay! I haven't been having much success with my drugstore makeup finds and I am trying to be a better budgeter so my all time favorites were not something I wanted to spend on. Mary Kay has great products and their prices seem really competitive. For example, the mascara I picked up was $15. Cheaper than my favorite Too Faced mascara, but better than drugstore. 

Excited About
Etsy!! I have been really working on my Etsy shop this year, and was able to make some huge leaps this month. I bought the domain, and set up an Instagram account. It would mean the world to me if you would follow that account! My sales have really increased, and I've added a bunch of new listings this month. Lots more to come, but I'm trying to pace myself. I've actually had quite a number of sales because of Etsy ads, which I hadn't looked into before. Etsy waived all the ad fees because of the virus, so it was a pleasant, and free surprise! 

Grateful For
Oh so many things. I'm grateful we are healthy. I'm grateful we have a comfy and cozy home to hang out in. I'm SO grateful we both are working. I love all the extra time with the pugs. I love the slower pace. Oh, and I'm grateful for the internet!! 

Leave a comment below and tell me what you are up to! 

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner