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October Goals

Thursday, October 4, 2018

October Goals // Pugs and Pearls Blog

September Report
Add Additional Day of Exercise.  I feel like I'm never going to be happy with the amount of exercise I'm doing until it's every single day. Hashtag perfectionist. While I was definitely active in September, I still feel like I could work on this one. In addition to Orange Theory this month I went on a few runs around the neighborhood and walked a lot with my sister. One thing I am proud of is how much faster I am on the road now that I've been doing Orange Theory. Huge improvement there! 

Use Myfitnesspal Consistently. I really did use Myfitnesspal a ton this month! I found that I am really diligent about inputting meals until after lunch. I almost always forget to go back in and put in my dinner record. I want to get solid about it because I really think it helps! Such a reality check when you have your calorie intake in black and white. In August my goal was to drink more water, and I still improved on that this month! I thought I should add that detail because Myfitnesspal has a direct correlation to that improvement. I'm in love with the way I feel when I am hydrated! Still not at a full 8 glasses a day, but man it's made a huge difference. 

Have Someone Over. Gah! This one almost happened! We planned a dinner with a couple and their son for September, had it on the calendar and then the day before we found out her dad was having a medical procedure. I offered to postpone, and she was grateful to hold off. We plan on rescheduling for this month, but I have got to get it officially on the calendar. I've already mentioned how busy we are this month, so there are going to be limited times available. But, it's really important to me that we get back in this habit! A lot of you commented that having people over is hard, would you be interested in a full post about how we do it? 

Save a Certain Amount of Money. Big ole nope on this one! I had the money set aside, and we ended up spending it on Disney passes. LOL. So responsible and mature, I know. 

Do 1 Social Media Free Weekend This Month. CHECK! I did this and wow! I had no idea how interesting that social media free weekend would be. The key to my success was deleting the apps completely off my phone. I'm really glad I did that because throughout the first day, I would mindlessly scroll to find the app and realize it wasn't there. I would have failed if I hadn't removed the temptation. The first day was hard at first because I didn't realize how often I reach for it. The next day however, was so relaxing. I truly loved it. And then on Monday when I logged back in there was SO much to see and comment on. It was actually exciting to use social media rather than just a habit! I would really like to do one social media free weekend a month. 

October Goals
To be modest with myself, I'm not making any goals for October. I've mentioned before that we have a WHIRLWIND of a month ahead of us. We have so many travel plans and I even had to change my work schedule to accommodate that. I feel like I am not even going to know my own name after it's all said and done.

If I were to set a goal it would be to keep the days inbetween simple. I want to just manage to stay on top of laundry and keeping the house tidy. I want to make sure I get out in a nature a little bit to ground myself. And I want to make sure I don't neglect the basics this month. Things like my Bible reading schedule and making sure we have good home cooked meals whenever possible. 

I hope you all have a great October and I hope we get to see some real Fall weather this month!


  1. Yey - welcome to the #liberatedwithoutgoals group! Yey! Seriously, sometimes it is is nice to just think - 'I am to do my best' or 'be happy, healthy and rested.' I would love to see a post on how you entertain - I love how people in different parts of the world entertain differently - will look forward to that. J xx

    1. Yes! I hadn't really thought about it like that before, but you are right. Sometimes you just need to be happy with who you are and how things are going. That's very against my usual grain, but I'm going to try to embrace it this month!

  2. It sounds like you did great this month. I'm never happy with my exercise if I don't work out every day but sometimes its not realistic with all of life's other responsibilities. It sounds like you did great this month. The Disney passes sounded like a great way to spend that fun money, too!

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth! Everyday would be ideal, but it's just not going to happen!

  3. Disney>saving, I'm with ya. And I need to be way more consistent in my fitness goals--your progress of getting faster is inspiring!!

    1. Hehe! At least we had the extra money to spend on it!
      I know most of us tend to focus on the scale, but victories like being a little faster or stronger are much more worth celebrating!!

  4. my friend said something about working out that I loved, "beat the week" so basically work out 4+ times a week and you beat the week. I've been trying to beat every week since, it's awesome that orange theory is making you better in more ways than one!

    1. I love that line of thought Lauren, I really do! Thanks for sharing!!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner