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DIY Eyelash Serum with Essential Oils

Thursday, July 19, 2018

DIY Eyelash Serum Using Essential Oils // Pugs & Pearls Blog

As someone who is now in my late twenties, I'm probably getting to an age where wearing less makeup isn't going to work. Despite that, I've really been trying to minimize my makeup routine. It saves time, but the real reason is because I don't want to be startled at my makeup-less face when I pass a mirror anymore. I want to recognize myself! 

It took about a month, but I got comfortable with only wearing eyeliner and mascara most days. There are still occasions that call for a fuller face, and I'm totally cool with that. My goal has simply been to feel more comfortable with my actual face!

Skincare is a huge part of this. I'm still using and loving my DIY skincare routine. It's much easier to wear less makeup if you feel like you don't need to cover anything up.

I've even been able to forgo the eyeliner several times, but the one thing I just can't leave out is mascara! My hair is a dark blonde, which means my eyelashes are super light. They are probably average length, but you just can't see them! 

There are so many serums and eyelash lengtheners out there, and I was ready to buy one that came highly recommended. It just felt super wrong to spend over $100 on something like that though. Before I spent the money, I thought I'd try a DIY instead. I've had such good success with making my own cosmetics and cleaners in the past-so why not?! 

DIY Eyelash Serum Using Essential Oils // Pugs & Pearls Blog

DIY Eyelash Serum Using Essential Oils // Pugs & Pearls Blog

Here's the recipe!
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
Jojoba Oil 
Add the essential oil to an empty mascara tube, and fill to the top with jojoba oil. Apply to your clean eyelashes before you go to sleep to promote eyelash growth!

Discus! Leave a comment below if you have any suggestions for eyelash growth! How often do you go fresh faced without makeup? What's the one product you always have on your face? Do you like making your own beauty products too?

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  1. This is brilliant! I LOVE things like this and I am going to write it down for when I can use essential oils again. You are right that late twenties / early thirties you do start to notice a change in the way you look BUT I have to tell you, if you look after yourself, you won't see a major change again for at at least another 10 years! J xx

    1. Thank you for that reassurance J! I turned 28 last month, so I couldn't help but think about my skin and all of the things that will probably be changing. I agree, it's important to start thinking about it now!

  2. This is such a great idea! I've tried eyelash growth before I love that this has less chemicals and I'm sure is so much better for you. Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you Sierra! We put soooo many chemicals on our bodies everyday, I'm happy to eliminate some!

  3. Ok how cool is this?! Please please please keep me posted and let me know the results! I just bought some serum but it's so expensive!

    1. I will! I took a few photos, before I started using it-but I'd like to keep using it for a bit longer before I can show the full results.

  4. Interesting... I'm curious to know the results, too. The scent from the oils don't irritate your eyes? I was cursed with fickle and sensitive skin so I always try to have some form of concealer on. I usually wear mascara, too, but my eyelashes are long and full (which I think make up for my crappy skin, lol) and I'm nervous to mess with them. Haha!

    1. Great question Audrey! No, the scent does not irritate my eyes. But, because you are putting it so close to your eye you do need to be gentle with the application. I've gotten it in my eyes once, and it didn't hurt-but obviously I quickly dabbed it with a qtip and there were no problems.
      Trust me, I totally feel you on the sensitive skin!! I rarely try new things because I have to stick with what I know.

  5. I want a before and after pic!! My lashes are pitifully short...!

    1. Can do Julie! I've got a before shot, and I'd like to keep using it for a bit longer so you can see the real results.

  6. I love DIY beauty treatments! I use aloe vera, castor oil, and vitamin E oil in my eyelash serum, but I've never thought to add essential oils before. Definitely trying that out next time I need to make some more. Thanks for the suggestion!!

    Christina //

  7. A great recipe! So easy to make and the effect must be awesome! I'm always so excited to make some fun homemade beauty recipes! I love them so much because they are so customizable and inexpensive. My favorites are especially those, which don’t take much time to make! ;)



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner