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My All Time Favorite Girl Movies

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I was reflecting today on just how much your spouse can influence you over the years. My husband loves all things nerdy and Sci-fi. My interest in that sort of thing was never very high! I saw a handful of superhero movies before we met, but it was mostly because my guy-friends wanted to go see it. After marrying Blake, we only go to the movies if it's a new Marvel movie, Sci-Fi film, or the latest Star Wars movie! I will admit, I've totally jumped on board and love those types of movies too. (Minus James Bond, I can't stand those movies...but we can talk about that in the comments!) 

While Back to the Futureand Indiana Jones totally top my favorites list, I still have love for the chick-flick! I wanted to share a list of my all time favorite girly movies, the ones I can't get my husband to watch with me! 

Father Of The Bride
This movie goes down as my all-time-favorite. We had the VHS growing up, and I watched it about a thousand times. It's such a cute movie, and totally inspired my love of weddings to this day. It's pretty 90's, but that makes it even more fun to watch now! I also loved Father of the Bride 2!

I'm talking about the 1998 version with Lindsay Lohan. I can literally quote this entire movie. My sister and I watched it SO many times. I can remember reading my teen-magazine and finding out that there was only one actress playing the part of the twins-and I still think that CGI holds up. It's a classic that I can picture watching with my niece in a few years. She will have to deal with me quoting the whole thing, because I can't help it. (I have class, and you don't

This is turning into my favorite childhood movies...but! I still love them all! The Princess Diaries stands out because my dad actually took me to the theater to see it. I had read the book and talked him into taking me. It's such a cute movie, although I remember thinking it was different than the book. I love Julie Andrews, and Anne Hathaway was perfect in the role too. Still one I can watch over and over!

Another VHS I wore out! Ever After is such a sweet movie, and I think it's still timeless. Anjelica Huston is an excellent Evil Stepmother, and I think Drew Barrymore is so cool as a 90's feminist Cinderella. 

I can't even explain why I love this movie so much. It's a cute story, and a fascinating idea. Blake Lively does a great job, especially in the scene where she is playing the mother of an elderly daughter. It's kind of mind boggling, but believable. Her outfits are SO great too. and her hair...Also the actor who plays a young Harrison Ford is a dead ringer! In fact I heard it was this video that got him the part

So this movie isn't exactly girly, in fact Blake loves it too. But it's on this list because I love it so much. Owen Wilson is not my favorite actor, but he does so well with this character. It's set in Paris, and the story is just so cute. I love the history included and we laugh so hard at Paul. 

Leave a comment below if your husband makes you watch nerd movies too! I want to hear about your favorite girl movies or if one of the more nerdy/sci-fi movies are at the top of your list!

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  1. There are some great ones here. I loved The Parent Trap, Father of the Bride, and the Princess Diaries, too.

    Elizabeth | The Lovely Latte

  2. Kristen!! How did I not know we both have the same top favorite, Father of the Bride!! I love Franc tehe, and I love FOB 2 as well. Princess Diaries and Parent Trap totally up there on my faves! I guess we'very never talked about it because well it's usually SciFi movie talk with the boys. Also, I can't stand James Bond either.
    I also love The Wedding Date, Thanks to your post I've realized that most movies I love are wedding related.

  3. I can't even begin to guess how many times I watched Ever After when I was growing up. These are all so great! I've actually never seen Midnight in Paris though. I'll have to check it out.

  4. I love the Parent Trap. Poor Natascha Richardson...I still can't believe how tragic her death was.
    My husband likes a lot of girly movies surprisingly!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner