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{NEW!} Friday Five

Friday, December 2, 2016

This weeks Friday Five is going to be a bit of an experiment! I love that this blog is able to evolve with me and constantly be a representation of who I am currently. I started with This Week posts, which are cool to read now, but I started feeling like they were too prompted and I wanted a little more freedom with what I shared each week. 

Obviously I haven't been writing my Friday Five posts regularly in the past few months. Sometimes I just didn't feel like I had even 5 things to share. So I'm evolving a little this week! I've made note of something each day this week to share with you. It will revolve around what's happening in my weekly life. So it could be an outfit, a recipe, or even my workout summary for the day. Or I may just tell you what I did on Wednesday. Either way I'm hoping these posts will be a bit more reflective of my daily life. 

Starting with an outfit picture! On Monday we got back from our cruise and this was my traveling outfit. This outfit is actually one I wear a lot! It's so easy and this top from J Crew dresses up really well. I was so happy to get home and see my puppies! We are definitely unpackers though. We can't relax until the suitcase is unpacked and the laundry is started. 

Tuesday was all about Winston! I keep meaning to do an update on his eye problem. In short, a few weeks ago his eye was scratched. It seemed to be healing up well, but then about 2 weeks ago I accidentally poked it. Not very hard and I have very short finger nails. After that his eye looked ten times worse than the original incident. I really think it wasn't healing well to begin with for it to look that bad after I barely poked it. 

We took him to our vet and they recommended we go see a specialist in Gainesville. I was positive he was going to lose the eye and I was feeling horribly guilty about the whole thing. The specialist was so great and they assured us that removing the eye was the very last resort. The recommended either surgery or a pretty intense medicine regiment. The surgery was about $2,000, so we are trying the medicine first. 

At first he had 5 medicines, 2 of which needed to be given every 2 hours. It was though! We had our phone alarms going off all the time. Even through the night we had to get up and give him the drops. He was so groggy, it was kind of cute. He hasn't missed a beat through all of this by the way. Totally normal puppy. 

It's healing up well, but you can definitely still see the little ulcer in the photo. (It's his right eye-but to your left) He has to wear the cone of shame and now we are down to 4 meds, and now it's every 4 hours. 

On Tuesday, he had his eye checked again and he had his final puppy visit. He is just about 10 pounds now! He's gotten all of his shots and is otherwise super healthy. We will still be making weekly vet visits for the foreseeable future though. The vet is always an ordeal. I come home completely covered in hair and exhausted. I fear the day I have to take all three pugs in at the same time...

Wednesday was super great, because I finally had a chance to finish the Gilmore Girls Revival! I loved GG when it was on the WB back in the day. Overall, I think the revival was awesome. I loved the cameos of all the characters and I actually really liked the Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall episode outline. They really fit a lot into 4 episodes!

Obviously I can't talk about the ending without spoiling it, but I have to know if they intend to have another season to answer my questions! Also, everyone aged really well! 

I was telling my mom on Thursday about my decluttering mission. She responded with opening up all her cabinets and pantry and asking me to help her organize them. I couldn't resist, and got busy! We worked on the pantry, their coffee mug collection, under the sink and the spice cabinet. I couldn't help but smile when we went through the spices. My poor momma can't read the tiny expiration dates, so we ended up throwing out half of the jars. Not only does it look nice now, but I made sure that when she cooked dinner later that night it was functional too. 

Fridays are so bittersweet for me! You have the excitement of the impending weekend, but my Fridays are SO exhausting. I have a cleaning job before work that takes me a solid 2 hours to do, so that means I have to get up really early to get going. Being even 10 minutes late can put me behind all day. After cleaning I have my regular job, which has been busier than usual. Being busy makes the day go by faster, but it's still stressful. It's really challenging to have a crammed day like that and then get home and still be productive. I have quite a bit to get done tonight, so I'm hoping to have the energy. 

On the bright side I have a long car ride to enjoy an audiobook! Oh, and I hung up our company portrait in the office today! They airbrushed us to death, but hey we look good! I think it's so funny that when I measure to hang a picture, it ends up way off, but if I just eyeball it, it's perfect! 

Happy Friday! I hope you enjoyed this peek into my week. I really like this format, and I hope you do too! Leave a comment below about your week and what you have planned for the weekend!


  1. Oh no sorry about his puggy eye! If you have to have the surgery, CareCredit is really awesome. It's zero interest 6 months or a year as long as you pay it back. We used it for my root canal.

    1. YES! We had to sign up for Care Credit when Bailey needed to have a C Section with the puppies. It was such an unexpected bill and our vet suggested it. So far the meds are working great, but in the back of our minds we know we can do surgery if it comes to it.

  2. I watched Gilmore Girls this week as well! It only took me 2 days to finish it. Oops! After finishing I immediately googled if they were going to do another season, no word yet but my fingers are seriously crossed. They can't leave us like that!

    1. I just saw that Fuller House got renewed after having such a good response, so maybe Gilmore Girls will be the same way!



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner