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My First REAL 10K - Bailey's Mandarin Run 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The first organized race I ever ran was a 10k. I think I was a sophomore in High School, and my aunts convinced my family to sign up for our first race. No one had ever ran before and we had NO idea what we were getting into. I think I walked 75% of it. I have a very distinct memory of my cousin and I not being able to get off our front porch step a few hours later. So, that race doesn't count! 

My first REAL 10k was this past weekend in Jacksonville! Those same aunts and I ran the Bailey's Mandarin 10k on Saturday. My sister and I started running together a few months ago and I signed up for this race hoping it would keep me accountable. I wish I had prepared better, but I am still so proud of myself. 

I did not run the whole thing, but I was able to go farther than I thought. When I got tired I ran/walked. It was pretty humiliating to be running next to a 100 year old man with bowed legs and a knee brace. He was seriously out running me, but it was his walk breaks that kept us in the same pack of the race.  

The run was in a really nice neighborhood, and you even got to glimpse the water on one loop. The temperature was really nice. I wore shorts, a short sleeve shirt and puffer vest. The vest is so great, but I wanted to take it off around mile 4, and without sleeves you can't tie it around your waist. I thought about stashing it and coming back for it. It really wasn't all that hot, but it's such a mental sport at that point and you want to get rid of anything to help you along. 

Mile 5 was SO difficult, but 6 was great. My aunt ran back to sweep me in and she really motivated me on the last leg. I got a real medal at the finish, and my aunt gave me a 10k magnet for my car. The satisfaction is unreal and I think that's the real runner's high. 

We celebrated with breakfast at First Watch, which was only enjoyable after I threw up in the bathroom. I don't know what happened, but I guess those bananas did not sit well with me. I felt so much better after that and I gobbled up a Belgian waffle. After breakfast we got pedicures, which may have been the best thing I have ever done. That is going to be a new ritual for me after a run. It was heavenly. I really only get my feet done for special occasions, like a wedding or something, but now I'm thinking a race is definitely a special occasion!

I am really proud of myself, but at the same time I wasn't thrilled with my time. Those seconds count. I want to improve my endurance and try to get a little faster. I don't mind being a slower runner, but I don't know why I'm so slow with the length of my legs. My aunts gave me some good tips and they really inspired me. 

I'm still pretty sore, but I can't wait to get back running this week. I want to keep the momentum going! Leave a comment below if you've ever done a 10k, or have any good running tips! I'll take all the help I can get. 

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Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner