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Friday Five

Friday, July 22, 2016

one// Guys it's going to be really puppy related around here in the near future! Bailey had 2 sweet baby boys on Tuesday and I feel like such a proud mom. It was an intense day, but since these little guys have been such a joy. I can't stop/won't stop taking pictures! 

two// Here are a few pictures from my beach day last week. My sister, nephew and I had a great day at Atlantic Beach in Jacksonville. It was a perfect beach day. The water was such a great temperature and it wasn't rough in the surf - which is ideal when you are trying to hold on to a 2 year old. I tried to let him dangle his feet in the waves, but he said "No, Tisten, my is scared." It's so hilarious that he won't say I.

three// This is seriously the worst quality picture I have EVER seen, but it's too hilarious not to share. I love pug snuggles! 

four// I'm headed to North Carolina this weekend! I feel really strange because it's just going to be me and my parents. My dad has a work conference, and my mom is usually really bored while he is in session-so she asked me to come along. Blake is staying behind to be with the pups, so it's going to be really weird without him. I feel like a little kid again! 

five// Ya'll, this was the most satisfying video ever. I LOVE organization, and this was amazing. I totally agree that if your home is organized, you function and thrive. I did kind of laugh out loud when she called it her 'junk' drawer. That Tea drawer though...

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. The pugs!! I want a pug puppy so bad!!

  2. Have you picked out any names for your new baby boys

    1. We've named ours Winston! & the other has been named Fred by his future family. I love regal names for pugs!

  3. Too Winston after Jamis Winston QB for FSU and TB



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner