Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes
From Amazon: Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex–Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.
Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.
What I Didn't Like:
I found this story slightly on the predictable side. You knew what was coming, but yet the build up to it was so enthralling. It was also very hard to sympathize with someone who thinks they are better off dead than have a disability.
My only other complaint is about the lame Jehovah's Witness joke thrown in there. It's in a short paragraph in the middle of the book. I know it only bothered me because I am one. While I did take it a bit personal-it's also bothering me because it was inaccurate. A pair of JW's are depicted as saying something we would literally never say and are actually trained to behave oppositely. If you are going to write about it, fact check, ya know? Someone is going to pick up the inaccuracy.
What I Liked:
I adored how this book was written. I was completely wrapped up in the story and the feelings of this book. The descriptions are done so well I was smelling what she was smelling. I found myself grinning and crying and hanging on every word. I wanted to read this before the movie came out, but I didn't know how captivating it was going to be. In fact I read the whole thing in two days after staying up until 1 am to finish it.
Overall Rating:
4 out of 5 Stars (1: hated it, 2: didn't like it, 3: liked it, 4:liked it, 5: loved it)
I struggle with the ending on this one. I think it makes the most literary sense, but it was really hard to reconcile my personal opinion with the character's choices.
Leave me a comment: What's next on your to-read list? Are you going to go see Me Before You the movie?
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Thanks for the review! I was thinking of reading this one, because I saw all the hype about the movie coming out.