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Eleven Things You May Not Know About Me!

Monday, February 19, 2018

This is a fun tag going around for the Sunshine Blogger Award, and Jess tagged me to answer her questions! I thought it'd be fun to participate, and do a little soul searching. Pop over to her blog and say hello! I really loved her recent post about the differences between Germany and America.

So here we go:

Why did you decide to start blogging?
I originally started blogging when I got married and was learning how to cook for my husband. I had a recipe blog where I only shared recipes that we actually liked. It was lots of fun, and Blake quickly learned to let me snap a photo before we ate anything. Pretty soon I started doing home projects and renovations that I wanted to share too, but felt like I needed to 'rebrand' and start a fresh blog. It was 2014 when I first posted here on 

What would you do if you weren’t blogging? If blogging is your side hustle, what would your side hustle be if you weren’t blogging?
I really consider blogging a creative outlet, so if I wasn't using all of my creative juices here, I'd probably get back to painting or other crafts. 

Where was the last place you traveled?
We went to Disney in January! Not exactly groundbreaking, as we live about 2 hours away and we've been many times. But, this was our first trip with our niece and nephew, who we'd been dying to take since they were born! We have 1 day left on our ticket so we will probably hop over there again soon. 

Who was the last person you texted? What was the text?
My sister. I was asking her how to make meatballs, LOL! I bought a big bag of meatballs at Sam's to make for her babyshower and I thought I'd just throw them in the crockpot and call it a day. But, the back of the bag said to add sauce! What sauce?! She told me that she makes them with chilli sauce and grape jelly. It's a thing. I looked it up. 

Where’s your favorite place to shop?
For clothes? J. Crew hands down. I love it all. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?
This varied as I aged. Most notably, I wanted to be an opera singer. If you don't sing opera in your car from time to time, you're lying. (btw I can't sing at all, it's just for laughs) But, I did legitimately want to be a teacher. We always played school as kids, and as the oldest I was always the teacher. 

What’s your favorite season and why?
Summmmmer! It's a good thing I live in Florida because I come alive in the heat. Fall and winter clothes are my favorite, but I can't stand dry skin and when my hair is staticy. It's been 80 degrees here all week and I finally feel like myself again. 

Favorite motivational quote?
Still totally feeling my 2018 mission statement: Do something today that you'll thank yourself for tomorrow. It works with every aspect of your life. Seriously, fill up your gas tank tonight so you don't have to do it early tomorrow morning. Start your savings account today, and thank yourself at the end of the year. Do your work out first thing so that you don't have to worry about it when you get home from work! 

What’s your favorite sport to watch and play?
Watching sports is only fun if you are there live at the game. Watching on tv is just not appealing to me. I love going to football and baseball games. To play is totally different! I love tennis the most, followed by golf. (Does ping pong count, because that might trump everything!)

If you could only go to the same destination for vacation each year, where would you go?
What a tough question! We always go to West Palm Beach in August, and I really really love that vacation. The hardest decision of the day is whether or not to go to the beach or pool. I could totally deal with that trip for the rest of my life! If it wasn't West Palm, I know it'd be another beach somewhere. 

What advice would you give to your 16-year old self?
You know, I really don't hate who I was at 16. I was really steadfast and confident. I know I was a lot more fun and silly than I am now. About that time I really wanted some new friends. I wish I could tell myself that they would show up and not to worry too much about it. Maybe I'd tell myself to hug my grandmother more often because she wasn't going to be there much longer. Oh! I know. I'd tell myself to NEVER dye my hair, no matter how tempting it might be. (Or have a professional do it...)

I nominate: 
1. Miranda // My Restless Soul
2. Julie // Jewels Wandering
3. Katie // Sunshine Style
4. Allie // All That Glitters
5. Joanne // Europafox

(Don't feel obligated guys, but I am very interested to see what your answers would be!!) 

You guys answer the following:
1. What habit are you most proud of?
2. What is the number one thing on your wish list, and why?
3. What is a compliment you've received recently?
4. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging? 
5. Have you ever met anyone famous? 
6. What movie always makes your cry?
7. What is your favorite thing about the age you are now?
8. How far away do you live from where you were born?
9. Would you describe yourself as an introvert or extravert? 
10. NSYNC or Backstreet Boys?...98 Degrees?
11. What is your favorite question to ask someone when you are getting to know them?

The rules of this tag are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 5 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Leave a comment below if we have anything in common! Feel free to pick a question to answer yourselves. I'd love to hear about you. 


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me! xAllie

  2. Chili sauce and grape jelly is delish with meatballs!
    Blogging takes up a lot of time. I think I'd probably have a novel or two done if I wasn't blogging. Hahahaha!
    I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger. Then it was a wedding planner. I'm grateful that I am neither of those things :)

    1. So, the meatballs turned out perfectly. Such a weird combo, but apparently it's very common.
      And haha, it's funny what we think we want when we are younger. Things tend to work out for the best!

  3. I love that you originally started blogging while learning how to cook for your husband. Disney is always a great time! I am a summer girl through and through. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

    1. Yes! It was the perfect way to keep track of recipes and a lot of my family members got used to looking on there for some inspiration. My mom obviously taught me how to cook, but it was different when I was cooking for my family of 5 versus the two of us. It was fun!
      Thanks for reading Sierra!

  4. Oh man, I LOVED pretending to be the teacher too - haha!

    1. If it wasn't a teacher, I was the mom, the ship captain or whatever other leadership roll haha!

  5. Love these and reading the answers!! Thanks for the nomination!! I'll get my a$$ in gear and blog again!! Hehe You almost got me on wanting to be an opera singer!! HAHAHA

  6. Thank you for tagging me! I'm definitely going to do this soon. :)

  7. Thanks for writing this, Kristen! I loved reading it! Especially how you wanted to be an opera singer but can't really sing :) amazing. It's kinda like how I wanted to be a doctor but hated science!!

  8. Yay - a tag! I love these! Thanks for nominating me. Like Jessica, I love the fact you wanted to be a Opera Singer. But my favourite part of this post was your motivational quote - I really want to memorise and use it, I've never heard it before and it is BRILLIANT - Hugs, Joanne x



Hi friends! I'm Kristen, and this is the Life and Style of an early 30's Floridian living the Best Life Ever, with her husband and three pugs. Runner | Avid Reader | Small Shop Owner